A few days ago a friend told me that if she made movies, the movie she would have liked to have made would be BIG FISH. I just finished THE SUN ALSO RISES, and I think it's the book I would have most like to have written.
EDITED TO WONDER: Why aren't there any steamy videos of writers having sex on the internet? Are movie stars, models, and musicians the only ones careless with their smutty homemade porn?
EDITED TO WONDER: Why aren't there any steamy videos of writers having sex on the internet? Are movie stars, models, and musicians the only ones careless with their smutty homemade porn?
I think the biggest reason I didn't love Ed Wood is that it's a Tim Burton film and I absolutely hate him (well, except for Mars Attacks....)
Did Welles do a version of Kafka's The Trial or is it a different story?
sad, but true