Molson Canadian.
store was out of Ice
The Score, Currently
i got an ex-girlfriend that i lived with for 2 years that calls me every now and then.
she's living with a guy in a biker gang now, and he beats the shit out of her.
last month she ran out of birth control pills, and instead of refilling her perscription, he used the money to score painkillers.
he ended up getting her pregnant.
and insisted she keep the kid.
she talked to me on the phone during the whole mess, and we were both scared for her future.
she's only 18, and dead broke.
doesn't have a job, and she was pregnant.
for weeks all i could think about was how she'd find the courage to get an abortion.
she'd call me scared about the proceedure, and how her boyfriend would react to it.
i kept trying to give her strength over the phone, telling her that she would inherit a whole new world of problems if she didn't go through with it.
she agreed, but was still terrified.
about 3 weeks after she found out she was pregnant, i got a phone call from her, telling me she miscarried.
i was in the basement at the time working on a painting, and i remember i collapsed on the floor, overwhelmed with relief.
she sounded relaxed (to an extent)
this was about a month ago.
tonight she called me because she was upset and depressed.
i told her that she needs to keep her head up, because shes still young, and things always get better.
the guy shes with beat the shit out of her again last night.
but she's in Florida, I'm in michigan.
i cant help her at all.
i told her to try and find a way out of the lifestyle she got stuck in.
find a job.
a backup plan for living arrangements.
i told her i'm going to college in order to support her one day.
she's upset, and i feel bad that i cant help her now.
i can barely take care of myself.
but as long as she stays alive.
doesn't get diseased.
doesn't get pregnant again.
i'll help her out.
i'll get her out of Florida eventually.
i owe it to her.
i fucked up bad by letting her leave.
but it's what she wanted.
she cheated on me, but i still wanted to fix everything.
i know how people operate.
and i knew what i had to do to fix things.
but i didn't want her to feel trapped.
so i let her go.
but now she's trapped in her new life.
and she says she's suffering now.
i got to go to work at 6 tomorrow morning.
i hope this works.