I've decided I'm not going to take any art classes in college.
after i went to a non-credit class i signed up for tonight, rendering the human figure, i realized that
1. this is the second time i went to a independant class and drew/painted better than the instructor.
and 2. the class doesn't teach me any techniques i'd ever EVER use in a painting.
then i packed up my shit and left 40 minutes into the class. which was embarrasing because the instuctor was a really nice lady, and i actually wanted to learn something by going. but shit just didn't work out and i realized i was wasting my time. i felt like an ass.
so i can only image things wont be much different when i sign up for credit courses in college.
which is both good and bad, because even though i really wanted to study art, i'd still wind up with a degree that wouldn't really benefit me financially.
i think i'm going to take some sort of writing class.
i like to write, and i could wind up with a job at a newspaper or a magazine or something.
i admire authors just the same as i do painters anyways, so this way i would get a degree that would give me better job options, plus i get to retain an element of creativity.
i'll just keep nuturing my painting skills in my spare time, because i taught myself everything i know now anyways, so if i keep it up as an active hobby i do on the side, i figure i'll be able to support myself off of it in maybe 10 years. which is fine with me, i'm in no hurry to become a succesful artist.
thats my day.
sorry about this boring fucking post, i'll try and make something more entertaining next time.
people seem to enjoy those retarded MS Paint comics i made last time, so i'll whip up a few more.
I just found the Deadly Bees episode of Mystery Science Theater on Google, so i got some drinking and time killing to do.
after i went to a non-credit class i signed up for tonight, rendering the human figure, i realized that
1. this is the second time i went to a independant class and drew/painted better than the instructor.
and 2. the class doesn't teach me any techniques i'd ever EVER use in a painting.
then i packed up my shit and left 40 minutes into the class. which was embarrasing because the instuctor was a really nice lady, and i actually wanted to learn something by going. but shit just didn't work out and i realized i was wasting my time. i felt like an ass.
so i can only image things wont be much different when i sign up for credit courses in college.
which is both good and bad, because even though i really wanted to study art, i'd still wind up with a degree that wouldn't really benefit me financially.
i think i'm going to take some sort of writing class.
i like to write, and i could wind up with a job at a newspaper or a magazine or something.
i admire authors just the same as i do painters anyways, so this way i would get a degree that would give me better job options, plus i get to retain an element of creativity.
i'll just keep nuturing my painting skills in my spare time, because i taught myself everything i know now anyways, so if i keep it up as an active hobby i do on the side, i figure i'll be able to support myself off of it in maybe 10 years. which is fine with me, i'm in no hurry to become a succesful artist.
thats my day.
sorry about this boring fucking post, i'll try and make something more entertaining next time.
people seem to enjoy those retarded MS Paint comics i made last time, so i'll whip up a few more.
I just found the Deadly Bees episode of Mystery Science Theater on Google, so i got some drinking and time killing to do.
Years later, I realized I had been an arrogant idiot for ever letting them cross my mind. I use many techniques today, in my own way, that I hated and deemed worthless then.