happiness is so tenuous. my favorite human incubator called me today. things have been dicey recently and her health has been compromised... as good as the babies were for the tumor in her brain, they began to take away other things from her. the doctors hoped she would make it to week 32 so they could try to deliver while other doctors told her she needed to terminate. as awful as it is, thursday she miscarried and she called to tell me today. i am sad that my niece and nephew (that's what we called them cus i love her so much) will not be born but i am glad it went this way and not in a termination. i am sure that i am not even 1/3 as upset as she has been but good lord i'm a crying mess right now. and now she is on her way to upstate ny to have labor induced so she can get them out of her. i wish i could hold her hand right now.
i'm still happy about the boy though. come on december! i've never wanted the winter to get here as badly as i do right now.
i'm still happy about the boy though. come on december! i've never wanted the winter to get here as badly as i do right now.
Omg babe that's horrible! I'm so sorry.