i have no time in my life for people that abuse it. i'm done.
I was just about to come over here and totally waste and abuse your time....and then of course, I see your post. Damn, foiled again! All kidding aside, that's a really cool stance to take..and one that lots of people want to take, but don't. It sounds so simple..yet for many, can be so hard. There's people in my life that I kind of want out that are still in it..but it's a pretty small number. However, I know of a few people that just seem to keep collecting the same kind of assholes over and over...and it's pretty sad. So, good choice. If someone isn't making it happen...ditch 'em. Unless it's me, that'd be totally uncool.
I am trying to be better at cutting out people who never return my time. Hopefully I will be a big girl one day and walk away