Not quite sure I can form complete sentences yet. Not really getting thoughts put together easily either.
Here's a rundown, not really interesting:
Anatomy - passed. messed a few things up but the prof is totally cool and i know i won't fail
FCM 3 - fucking hate that professor and her tests. if english is not your first language then get your tests written by someone who can. passed the class, don't really care much.
Herbs 3 - the ONLY class I studied for. 97.5 on the final and a B in the class. Thank something cus if I hadn't done well I would have failed the class. This class has wiped me out. I feel accomplished though, cus it is the hardest class in the school.
Points 2 - got a 100 on the point location practical (basically she gives you 10 points out of like 500 we know). the written was alright. i know i fucked some things up but it was the day after herbs and it suffered cus i wasn't doing shit after herbs.
the fucking semester is over. i have a month off. i have a lot of student council stuff to take care of but it will not consume my break.
made a new friend last night, he is cool people.
i can barely function. i need sleep aids and to hibernate for days. i really have no concept of anything around me. after work, my ass is going home, stripping down to panties and lying around to watch tv. i don't want to think and i don't want to be bothered.
i hate excuses. more than anything. i hate people who say one thing and act another. i hate myself for giving people like this repeated chances. i hate making excuses for these people... i need to be done with said people. i keep saying it and something keeps me tethered. i'm annoyed with myself. so i'm done reaching out to stupid people. there are plenty that want my time and attention and they deserve it. and right now i have plenty of time. plenty of it.
i heard this and it's what opened the flood gates again. but i shall close them.
Here's a rundown, not really interesting:
Anatomy - passed. messed a few things up but the prof is totally cool and i know i won't fail
FCM 3 - fucking hate that professor and her tests. if english is not your first language then get your tests written by someone who can. passed the class, don't really care much.
Herbs 3 - the ONLY class I studied for. 97.5 on the final and a B in the class. Thank something cus if I hadn't done well I would have failed the class. This class has wiped me out. I feel accomplished though, cus it is the hardest class in the school.
Points 2 - got a 100 on the point location practical (basically she gives you 10 points out of like 500 we know). the written was alright. i know i fucked some things up but it was the day after herbs and it suffered cus i wasn't doing shit after herbs.
the fucking semester is over. i have a month off. i have a lot of student council stuff to take care of but it will not consume my break.
made a new friend last night, he is cool people.
i can barely function. i need sleep aids and to hibernate for days. i really have no concept of anything around me. after work, my ass is going home, stripping down to panties and lying around to watch tv. i don't want to think and i don't want to be bothered.
i hate excuses. more than anything. i hate people who say one thing and act another. i hate myself for giving people like this repeated chances. i hate making excuses for these people... i need to be done with said people. i keep saying it and something keeps me tethered. i'm annoyed with myself. so i'm done reaching out to stupid people. there are plenty that want my time and attention and they deserve it. and right now i have plenty of time. plenty of it.
i heard this and it's what opened the flood gates again. but i shall close them.
It's funny that you hate that you give undeserving people second chances...i'm right there right now feeling like i should do the same simply because i always have in the past, but in the past i always hated the fact that i couldn't say 'fuck off' it seems to be a cyclical situation for me, at least
'fuck 'em', i say!!! xo

Congrats on the semester, Get all the rest you need and then go out and kick everyone that makes you feel like you did when you wrote the post. It may not help your choices but it will make you feel better.