i find it funny that every time i write someone a testimonial things then fall apart LOL. I need to pick people better.
long distance things do not work. i spent my whole weekend trying to fix something i didn't break and putting my feelings aside for someone that took advantage of it and i'm pretty sure i was lied to all weekend. my intuition...
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long distance things do not work. i spent my whole weekend trying to fix something i didn't break and putting my feelings aside for someone that took advantage of it and i'm pretty sure i was lied to all weekend. my intuition...
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Songs that describe moods and people...
one day this will stop right? this is why i will not even contemplate a relationship with anyone else. it wouldn't be fair when i can't get over this one. next month, right after my birthday would be 8 years. it kills me i was so easily replaced. am i that forgettable? am i not worth it? guess...
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one day this will stop right? this is why i will not even contemplate a relationship with anyone else. it wouldn't be fair when i can't get over this one. next month, right after my birthday would be 8 years. it kills me i was so easily replaced. am i that forgettable? am i not worth it? guess...
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I'm so sorry love. *hug*
Hey, have you ever heard of Bayside? I think you might like them.
I am at a Mom Expo. Working. I hope to never be pregnant, ever. Good lord.
That sounds like a great day of work!! lol
But baby making practice is so much fun though...

i have this tendency to fix things even when i don't break them. you know what i need? a grand gesture. prove to me this is worth fighting for. i do not have much patience nor am i interested in sitting around for days to find out. when i am given too much time to think nothing good will come of it. i'm not fixing...
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I am 32. Supposed to be a good age but so far nothing good has come from it. But thats what I have made for myself. Make yourself a good birthday and you will have one. Once you be the person who just stops fixing everthing you will feel like a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders and in a small way you will regret it because being the person who fixes things is also part of a person's identity. Create a new identity. Ink always helps. I love it. Keep up the blog, i love to read real thoughts, not bullshit like most people's blogs. Take care and keep positive Tosh.o is absolutely hilarious.
one of the best things ever? watching a storm roll in. matches my mood. that was good times.
i just needed something else up.
i just needed something else up.
It was crazy how it rolled right in... So quick... And powerful. I can see the match of that in u... Sleep well hope u are doing better.
i have been tearing up all day long. i have done well keeping it together through school. sitting at home is a bit dangerous, i really just want to curl up in a ball and cry. however it's really not worth it.
i find that i repeat cycles and once again i put more effort into something and did not receive the same in return....
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i find that i repeat cycles and once again i put more effort into something and did not receive the same in return....
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Well i am glad to hear you are fine.... and i agree on the heat. It is too damn hot.
It is way too fucking hot. Almost too hot to touch myself... Almost.
Yeah we get sub-zero temps in winter. Not where I am, but winter in Sydney and Melbourne (and Tasmania) are fuuuucking cooold.
today in Brisbane the top temp was 12C. Which was INSANELY cold for a sub-tropical climate.
I was shooting outside all day and tonight had a scene with a girl who wasn't wearing anything but a slip and stockings.
Not a bad way to spend an evening really
today in Brisbane the top temp was 12C. Which was INSANELY cold for a sub-tropical climate.
I was shooting outside all day and tonight had a scene with a girl who wasn't wearing anything but a slip and stockings.
Not a bad way to spend an evening really

Harley I said the same thing to myself last night !!
i had a migraine/headache for 15 hours yesterday. it was god awful. i was in bed til 4 in the afternoon and was back in bed at 10. this morning my head is better. not gone but better. i was in a shittastic mood yesterday and everyone got the brunt of it. i am sorry to those that i was short with. though some people...
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David Navarro was my first "bad boy" crush I guess you could say
Still hot as hell!!!!!

i really just don't like people. and the more i interact with them everyday the less i like them.
trust no one.
trust no one.
lmfao Tink. Maybe he's got something here. Just bite your thumb at them the next time they look at you weird....they'll be confused and probably look really stupid....that's when you whip out your camera and start taking pictures of their reactions while throwing skittles at them screaming "Taste the rainbow motherfuckers"!!! Always works for me
People leave me alone now for the most part lmfao

Yes you were very angry yesterday.
trust is not something that comes easy to me. and i'm struggling immensely with it right now.
i'm exhausted.
i'm exhausted.
I know exactly what you mean
it's not easy at all...

I am sure that you have good reasons. So just just work on it the best that you can.
i'm not sure what is difficult about some things... if i do not respond to your text message then i obviously do not want to talk to you. what do river's friends not get about that? thank you for giving me the space i need but just seeing your number pop up in my phone is starting to make my insides crumble and my heart...
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Oh i see. Well that still sucks. Some people just don't get the hints.
And a wonderful evening we all had.... Minus the cooking and the cupcakessss! Damn you were going to make cupcakes? Yum! Well happy Sunday! Enjoy it!
lesson i learned this week: do not mix a pot brownie with a muscle relaxer. if you are me it will bring on the worst panic attack of your life.
i don't have much else. i'm boring. good night.
i don't have much else. i'm boring. good night.
Double post.
I agree. I can't relate on someone who can't hug me from time to time :|