Hey, so, I need to stop spending my money on frivolous things like shoes from wal-mart (but they're so hot!) and purses and shirts I don't need. Especially when tuition is due and I'm going on vacation! Oh dear! I'm actually afraid that I will spend every penny I earn in Blame Betty...it's pretty much the greatest place EVER. But oh-so-expensive, as the good places often are. I did take some pictures today, which I had intended to put here...but some combination of laziness and...no, mostly just the laziness...is preventing me from doing so. Also, I thought I took a great many to choose from, and really, there's about 3. So it's really not such a big deal.
I had a fantastic day with the most beautiful girl in the world; we were on a cross-city mission to locate a pina colada for the crazy bitch. The three things I SHOULD have photographed, if I had been thinking:
1. The guy on the third floor balcony who got serenaded with a couple measures of the "if you like pina coladas" song.
2. Me in the altered-to-fit-girls AC/DC "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution" shirt that, tragically, was not altered to fit ME
3. Um, okay, so I don't have a third. I'm just kind of winging it, here...
I like days off. I work all the effing time; I really like days where I don't have to go to school or work or do anything productive at all. I dislike how I feel guilty on these days because it feels like I should be doing something productive. I also dislike how I fail to get anything done that really should be done--like laundry. Oh well, I'm ghetto. I can wash my work shirt in the bathroom sink.
Days till Hawaii: *counts on fingers*...5!!! Hurray! [/gloating] SO stoked. Top 5 things I am excited about doing in Hawaii:
1. Getting tattooed (yeah, again. What?)
2. Eating at Duke's restaurant on the beach (okay, so it's not exactly on the beach...but it's separated from the beach by a swimming pool...close enough)
3. Fulfilling a years-old promise to a fantastic man I met only once: to drink chi-chis on the beach (legally...it was difficult to do last time I was there--I was only 19).
4. Walking down the street, deciding it's a good idea to jump in the ocean, and doing so (did this last time. Stopped in my tracks, took off my clothes--I was wearing a swimsuit, perv--and handed them to the boy, and, without a word, ran over the sand and into the water. Returned, recovered my clothes, and continued on my way).
5. Buying enough Fritos Twists (honey barbeque flavor) to choke that proverbial horse and last me at least a year once I get home (these things are NOWHERE here. The only places I've ever been able to find them were Grand Forks, North Dakota and Honolulu. And I never have enough to last, even when I ration them). They are SO FUCKING GOOD. *deep breath*
Oh, also: I should probably include that whole "vacationing with my girlfriends, suntanning, shopping, etc" bit. That really goes without saying; the list is just specifics. Oh, I have big plans for Hawaii.
So I pretty much kicked school's ass. All the stress and shit really seems worth it when the marks come back (except when the marks are B+'s...although I think I've come to accept them) and getting to count oneself among those who can claim a GPA of over 3.9...clearly, hard work does pay off. AND I really, desperately wanted to do well in a particular course--the teacher was incredible, the subject matter interesting, etc--and I really did. I must have done well on the final (at the risk of bragging: top mark in a class of 100), and the final paper earned me nothing but the comment "Just Beautiful". Which I really think is fantastic, because it was the only paper I cared about and the only one I gave an honest effort. Alright, so when one lives for nothing but school and work, one ends up with lots of money and good marks. One also feels a serious burnout and a severe lack of close friends (or any social life at all, really). A reasonable trade-off? Maybe...
Alright, I could clearly sit here and type for the better part of the evening. I should probably not do that (I have a tendency to get pretty boring, I think). So, in closing:
*Everybody see this movie: Lucky Number Slevin. Honestly! Bruce Willis is the shit, Morgan Freeman is awesome, Ben Kingsley is amazing, Lucy Liu is adorable and Josh Hartnett is fucking sexy. The story is clever and the writing is incredible.
Okay that's all. Shit, I talk too much. Goodnight.
I had a fantastic day with the most beautiful girl in the world; we were on a cross-city mission to locate a pina colada for the crazy bitch. The three things I SHOULD have photographed, if I had been thinking:
1. The guy on the third floor balcony who got serenaded with a couple measures of the "if you like pina coladas" song.
2. Me in the altered-to-fit-girls AC/DC "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution" shirt that, tragically, was not altered to fit ME

3. Um, okay, so I don't have a third. I'm just kind of winging it, here...
I like days off. I work all the effing time; I really like days where I don't have to go to school or work or do anything productive at all. I dislike how I feel guilty on these days because it feels like I should be doing something productive. I also dislike how I fail to get anything done that really should be done--like laundry. Oh well, I'm ghetto. I can wash my work shirt in the bathroom sink.
Days till Hawaii: *counts on fingers*...5!!! Hurray! [/gloating] SO stoked. Top 5 things I am excited about doing in Hawaii:
1. Getting tattooed (yeah, again. What?)
2. Eating at Duke's restaurant on the beach (okay, so it's not exactly on the beach...but it's separated from the beach by a swimming pool...close enough)
3. Fulfilling a years-old promise to a fantastic man I met only once: to drink chi-chis on the beach (legally...it was difficult to do last time I was there--I was only 19).
4. Walking down the street, deciding it's a good idea to jump in the ocean, and doing so (did this last time. Stopped in my tracks, took off my clothes--I was wearing a swimsuit, perv--and handed them to the boy, and, without a word, ran over the sand and into the water. Returned, recovered my clothes, and continued on my way).
5. Buying enough Fritos Twists (honey barbeque flavor) to choke that proverbial horse and last me at least a year once I get home (these things are NOWHERE here. The only places I've ever been able to find them were Grand Forks, North Dakota and Honolulu. And I never have enough to last, even when I ration them). They are SO FUCKING GOOD. *deep breath*
Oh, also: I should probably include that whole "vacationing with my girlfriends, suntanning, shopping, etc" bit. That really goes without saying; the list is just specifics. Oh, I have big plans for Hawaii.
So I pretty much kicked school's ass. All the stress and shit really seems worth it when the marks come back (except when the marks are B+'s...although I think I've come to accept them) and getting to count oneself among those who can claim a GPA of over 3.9...clearly, hard work does pay off. AND I really, desperately wanted to do well in a particular course--the teacher was incredible, the subject matter interesting, etc--and I really did. I must have done well on the final (at the risk of bragging: top mark in a class of 100), and the final paper earned me nothing but the comment "Just Beautiful". Which I really think is fantastic, because it was the only paper I cared about and the only one I gave an honest effort. Alright, so when one lives for nothing but school and work, one ends up with lots of money and good marks. One also feels a serious burnout and a severe lack of close friends (or any social life at all, really). A reasonable trade-off? Maybe...
Alright, I could clearly sit here and type for the better part of the evening. I should probably not do that (I have a tendency to get pretty boring, I think). So, in closing:
*Everybody see this movie: Lucky Number Slevin. Honestly! Bruce Willis is the shit, Morgan Freeman is awesome, Ben Kingsley is amazing, Lucy Liu is adorable and Josh Hartnett is fucking sexy. The story is clever and the writing is incredible.
Okay that's all. Shit, I talk too much. Goodnight.
you know, d. made me go see lucky number slevin. i did not enjoy it past the middle. i thought the ending was too serious, but i really liked it up until the serious point.