I have been playing an ass ton of Halo. Anyone who wants to play, add me: rewskidoodle. Sometimes I'm not up to par but I at least get in the double digits. If you do add me, let me know you are from SG.
No photoshoot today.
It's okay though, I still have the cemetary one next week. I havent found caution tape, but I think I'll use it for a different set.
Here's some pictures of the cemetary I'll be using. And picture a sexy naked bitch in there somwhere. Lol.

I really need to get off my ass and do a zombie shoot sometime for my dear fans. I promise gore, brain eating, and boobs. I think I'll do it closer to Halloween though. You guys will have quite a treat. No tricks included. ::wink::
I really need to stop giving out my ideas for sets. lol. I guess I just love advise and kudos for coming up with awesome shit. XP
Speaking of awesome shit, I want to go to DRAGONCON next year!!!!!! Someone like me needs to be there. I need that lifestyle. Fucking Peter Mayhew was there and I missed it.

Star Wars. Gets my panties wet. Here's my room (before I moved into the rents place):

I have every single poster of each episode INCLUDING "Revenge of the Jedi" which was what "Return of the Jedi" was called and previewed as before they changed it since "Jedis dont get revenge".
One day I will have every light saber replica out there too.
This was me on my 21st:

And this is what I would be if I were to go to Dragoncon all decked out: (I think Leia is over rated, otherwise, I'd totally be slave Leia)

Anyway, enough with the geek splurge. hehe. I'm gonna continue my evening with more Wow and Halo. Speaking of which look:

That there is a Limited Edition Halo 3 Mountain Dew unopened canned soda. Ha, I'm such a lewzor. Unopened since July 2007.
And notice I put a ring in my nose. like it? 

No photoshoot today.

Here's some pictures of the cemetary I'll be using. And picture a sexy naked bitch in there somwhere. Lol.

I really need to get off my ass and do a zombie shoot sometime for my dear fans. I promise gore, brain eating, and boobs. I think I'll do it closer to Halloween though. You guys will have quite a treat. No tricks included. ::wink::
I really need to stop giving out my ideas for sets. lol. I guess I just love advise and kudos for coming up with awesome shit. XP
Speaking of awesome shit, I want to go to DRAGONCON next year!!!!!! Someone like me needs to be there. I need that lifestyle. Fucking Peter Mayhew was there and I missed it.

Star Wars. Gets my panties wet. Here's my room (before I moved into the rents place):

I have every single poster of each episode INCLUDING "Revenge of the Jedi" which was what "Return of the Jedi" was called and previewed as before they changed it since "Jedis dont get revenge".

One day I will have every light saber replica out there too.
This was me on my 21st:

And this is what I would be if I were to go to Dragoncon all decked out: (I think Leia is over rated, otherwise, I'd totally be slave Leia)

Anyway, enough with the geek splurge. hehe. I'm gonna continue my evening with more Wow and Halo. Speaking of which look:

That there is a Limited Edition Halo 3 Mountain Dew unopened canned soda. Ha, I'm such a lewzor. Unopened since July 2007.

I love Star wars. I have all the original 14 inch action figures of the entire main cast except for Leia (some one stole her) they are opened no boxes. but we played with them as kids and took very good care of them. They were my older brothers and I got them when he died in 1999. I am known to my geeky crew as oni won Kenobi or Amy won Kenobi to my family lol 

I like the nose ring