The day
Walking down white sand beaches hand in hand
Swinging our head and singing along to our favorite band
The sweat sent of ocean and of you invades my being
Sometimes i dazzle at the wondrous beauty i am seeing
Lost in the ocean of your blonde hair in the winds grasp
As I look into you cool grey eyes all i can do is gasp
Such beauty rivals and overshadows the sea and the sky
And as the sun goes down and i look at you all i can do is sigh
And so we walk hand in hand, me lost in my thoughts for a time
You keeping track of your song in a sirens perfcet chime
And so the cool ocean washes over our feet as we talk
And I am lost with you in this great day, in our walk
The sun is gone as night finally encroaches
And here comes the full moon that reproaches
Even its pale light can not but exalt your grandous fire
And we unknowingly smile as we think of what will transpire
Walking down white sand beaches hand in hand
Swinging our head and singing along to our favorite band
The sweat sent of ocean and of you invades my being
Sometimes i dazzle at the wondrous beauty i am seeing
Lost in the ocean of your blonde hair in the winds grasp
As I look into you cool grey eyes all i can do is gasp
Such beauty rivals and overshadows the sea and the sky
And as the sun goes down and i look at you all i can do is sigh
And so we walk hand in hand, me lost in my thoughts for a time
You keeping track of your song in a sirens perfcet chime
And so the cool ocean washes over our feet as we talk
And I am lost with you in this great day, in our walk
The sun is gone as night finally encroaches
And here comes the full moon that reproaches
Even its pale light can not but exalt your grandous fire
And we unknowingly smile as we think of what will transpire