On the rock ledge right next to our house and the alley, we've found a mum cat with her 6 kittens nesting. The mum was very protective and hissing but after a little less than an hour of sitting with her and feeding them all, she lets us get next to her little ones and scratch her ears! They are all so very sweet, and oddly, in a mix of black and white there is a singe Siamese in the mix! I doubt the mum was born wild and the babies look to be just at a few months. I'm getting worried as to if they are going to be ok outside soon. We get bitter cold up here and they all are so small and bony. I'm feeding them everyday, but I'm almost wondering if I should lure them out and try to find homes for them. I just don't want them to freeze! They seem to like taking refuge in the little slats in between the rocks where, if one moves at all could crush them. >.< The mum in me is worried. For now, I'll continue to check on them and feed them though.
More Blogs
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