Just finished stretching my second set of cart. plugs from 4 to 2g. Fuck mother fucker. Blissfully forgot this pain for awhile! shit fuck shit fuck....eeek
-After 9 years, I am happy to say, my ear mods are complete!
I remember the OH SO pain lol Sucks
Got a new shiny phone for the holidays! *hugs HTC* now I can actually browse the interwebz not just pay for the feature and fail to be able to use it! Hope everyone had a good week. I would like nothing more then to curl up in bed with more nog and sleep all day, but I'm on my way to deal with the crazy...
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The local liquor store just started carrying Pernod Absinthe!!! FUCK YES!love
Hell Fucking Yeah! I'm jealous, I don't think my liquor store carries it. They do carry mead though...
Nice! We've got afew local meads at ours but it's something that's still just starting to show up. The two things I've always wanted here and after so many years, finally starting to get!
Calming. Hope the rest of my week goes by quickly and quietly. It helps that there is a cat passed out on my keyboard as we speak. tongue
Hates it all right now. I hate the snow, I hate the cold, I hate my car for not starting, I hate my fail mechanic that was supposed to fix it, and mostly I hate that I've been sitting here crying thinking that this Christmas I won't get a card from my grandma and that is all I want.Just a card, or mostly another hug...
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Falling asleep. Better tonight too. Watching movies and bed, hoping the boyfriend gets over his cold soon and that I don't get it! XD I refuse to be sick again for October. H1N1 last year, nothing will stop my enjoyment of my favorite month this year!!! *Strikes a hero pose!!*tongue
So fucking tired. I do not live here to be a fucking maid, yet it seems all I do is go to work(which is retail so to some people apparently that doesn't seem to count as work!) deal with the fucking crazy people there, come home at 10 and start redoing greasy dishes, laundry, pick up trash and change the litter. So fucking upset and...
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On the rock ledge right next to our house and the alley, we've found a mum cat with her 6 kittens nesting. The mum was very protective and hissing but after a little less than an hour of sitting with her and feeding them all, she lets us get next to her little ones and scratch her ears! They are all so very sweet, and...
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