thank you to my two new friends. i promise to post a picture soon! i have to see what is wrong with my digital camera, it just stopped working on a recent trip up to l.a. and yes i changed the battery! so last night was pretty funny, some friends of mine have been inviting me to come and watch them bowl all summer, so i finally went last night, no offense to bowlers but damn there are some time warped freakin people in there! mullets,tails,and yes! even a fucking pair of stonewashed jeans! i was looking around for rod serling cause could have sworn i was in a bad episode of the twilight zone! the night ended with getting hit on twice and propositioned once, oh i am not bragging, they were pretty narly...later!
It sounds like and interesting night anyway. And you must have been out my way (east) there are many mullets out my way

It isn't that bad but there are enough.