I smiled warm deep smiles. I found my heart full and beaming. Felt myself relax allowed just to be. Felt for a moment the warmth and stillness of the world seeing a future slowly being born while I loved in childish, unending ways.
I wish I could hold you tonight, here in the stillness of the world.
I sit here in the dawning of the moonlight thinking of you wondering why after all of these months that you have not yet left my thoughts. I still feel you, I feel the ache. Feel everything all at once. I f I came to you what would you do? Why do I hold out this hope that somehow in the end we will find...
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... still eh?
... I've never known anyone else that loves they way you do...
... I've never known anyone else that loves they way you do...
I hear you...
Welcome back btw.
Welcome back btw.
I am looking out a window taller than it is wide. Before me stretch the mountains far in the distance but close enough to bring a dream to those open to one.
I breathe in the air. It's deep and cold and I feel it filling my lungs. The sun beats down forcing me to feel its glorious pleasure. I crack a smile and feel...
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I breathe in the air. It's deep and cold and I feel it filling my lungs. The sun beats down forcing me to feel its glorious pleasure. I crack a smile and feel...
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Did you find a peace you have been searching for? And yes, I completely agree, that feeling of being alone... is one of my favorites. I feel in that moment I can stop time, master it and the world around me that I might feel it and see it and I know myself intimatly...
So did you let her go? Or meet someone new? Or are you together with her again? Or does this have nothing to do with her?
And you can tell me I'm being a little pushy... but you have caught my curiosity!

So did you let her go? Or meet someone new? Or are you together with her again? Or does this have nothing to do with her?
And you can tell me I'm being a little pushy... but you have caught my curiosity!

Likely none of the above. If I saw her again I know that my heart would be hers, but for now, at this moment I am okay with just being alone. Content and happy with the world and once again a dreamer in ferocious times.
I have tried to forget you. To put you out of my thoughts. To fill my days with other peoples smiles, even their bodies at times. But seeing you tonight, feeling my skin against yours I have realized the futility of these past months.
Where do I go now? How do I find myself amongst these shadows when I just want you.
Where do I go now? How do I find myself amongst these shadows when I just want you.
.... I have said it once and I will say it again. She must be a very special and a very lucky lady to have captured your heart so...
I know I say it in every single comment I leave for you... but the way you weave your words here makes my heart ache...
I know I say it in every single comment I leave for you... but the way you weave your words here makes my heart ache...
How do I find myself amoungst these shadows when I just want you
*soft sigh*
The world sits quietly outside my window waiting for a thousand different stories to be told.
I sit on my bed and paint on a scrap piece of paper. It's not much but on this silent night it brings me a strange warmth.
We lost each other you and I. Somewhere along the road they separated us, and made us believe that we were strangers...
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I sit on my bed and paint on a scrap piece of paper. It's not much but on this silent night it brings me a strange warmth.
We lost each other you and I. Somewhere along the road they separated us, and made us believe that we were strangers...
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It is a good thing... Its too easy to get all caught up in what I need to be doing (school and work etc) then to sit with someone and speak of change and passion and have it all come flooding back... those things which cause my eyes to sparkle and my song to be sweet... I had forgotten how much I wanted to do with my life as I am swamped with bills and responsibility...
As always your way with words catches my heart...funny how now what used to often seem random ramblings make sense now that I have met you...
And yes, please, lets do it again. I gotta lend you that movie.

As always your way with words catches my heart...funny how now what used to often seem random ramblings make sense now that I have met you...
And yes, please, lets do it again. I gotta lend you that movie.

Jumbled thoughts. Confusion of the heart and mind. I often find that it is the moment between complete wakefullness and sleep that I find my thoughts and my heart and all contained in it make sense... that one quiet moment for my soul...
Of course... you will need a running commentary! (just kidding)
Of course... you will need a running commentary! (just kidding)

I feel myself slipping - to where I am not sure. My eyes tired, struggle to find hope amoung the tattered walls of my room.
How did we get to this place where we have forgotten our own power? Where we no longer feel we have a right to dream or for our lives to have meaning? How did they take that from us? What...
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How did we get to this place where we have forgotten our own power? Where we no longer feel we have a right to dream or for our lives to have meaning? How did they take that from us? What...
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....I don't know, but I often find myself wondering about that same question...
Seriously man, you look nothing like your pics. 

I sit surrounded by trees as tall as the skies that stretch above them. A mist hovers silently in the early morning air. All around me life is growing. My body shivers at the thought. I watch a lone eagle flying far above my head.
Soon the camp is bustling with energy, 200 hundred activists from throughout the northwest all coming together to envision and...
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Soon the camp is bustling with energy, 200 hundred activists from throughout the northwest all coming together to envision and...
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mmmm as always, the way you weave your words is pure pleasure to read... this entry created the scene so that I might not only see it in my mind's eye, but to feel it...


The road winds through ever widening concentric circles
I look for you there amongst the moonlight
In the places that slip beneath the waters
Where we are whole and beautiful
I look for you there amongst the moonlight
In the places that slip beneath the waters
Where we are whole and beautiful
Thank you
yeah I'd love to do some traveling, but at the moment I don't even have money for my rent.... so I guess that'll just have to wait
And since I'll start studying soon, I don't have the time either.
I would buy it, the book but I want with the adult cover and it's gone everywhere! grrr

yeah I'd love to do some traveling, but at the moment I don't even have money for my rent.... so I guess that'll just have to wait

And since I'll start studying soon, I don't have the time either.
I would buy it, the book but I want with the adult cover and it's gone everywhere! grrr
That sounds lovely... yes.
Well I set out to the Calgary Folk fest with one goal - to seduce Neko Case. The plan by no means solid in my mind involved simply giving her "the look" - showing her the immense passion I had for her in the depths of my soul, and then slowly but surely seducing her with my wit and charm (No easy task from the...
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I started reading it and it's a great book.

Well the world is still spinning and life is slowly meandering through dreams. I am headed back to Alberta called by one of the world's most destructive projects - the Alberta oil sands. I shall dawn a greenpeace shirt, put on a climbing harness and will get ready to rock.
wish me luck.
wish me luck.
ofcourse, I deserve to win all the time!

I belive I have to agree with you

I am coming back to Alberta for some fun. You all should join me!!!
Global Warming Action Camp
June 3rd - June 8th 2007
Come learn the skills to save the planet - from climbing, to blockades - campaign planning to media help build your skills and save our little neck of the woods.
The fossil fuel industry is a serious threat to Alberta's human...
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Global Warming Action Camp
June 3rd - June 8th 2007
Come learn the skills to save the planet - from climbing, to blockades - campaign planning to media help build your skills and save our little neck of the woods.
The fossil fuel industry is a serious threat to Alberta's human...
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