hey whazzup?
so i should probably update this bizznatch...my day was pretty average...got to start out canvassing with $86 so that was noice...won the production prize for getting the most letters for one day ($36) and got the most letter average for the week ($50)...i never would have made quota today without it cauz we went to Farmington and the people there just fucking sucked, apathetic as fuck and total asshole stingy ass motherfuckers lying through their teeth giving the same ol' excuse after excuse...oh if you didn't know i work for CWA, a nonprofit non-partison environmental lobby organization that works mostly on water issues...and yes it is very hierarchical and capitalistic and there are a lot of things i hate about it but that is also why a small group of CWA employees have been meeting to form a new collectively run organization canvass+storefront+apartment+newspaper deal that seems like a huge task ahead of us and alot of work but it is going pretty smoothly so far...we have our eyes set on an abandoned building with room for 70 apartments and 12 storefronts...basically we want to build this community that would run outside of the capitalist system...the people that live in the apartments would not have to pay rent, just work your shift at the storefront collective, all your basic needs will be met--food, drink, clothing, etc. People that do not live in the space or work at any of the collectives would pay like they pay for any business...that money would go towards the mortgages and bills etc. and some of the money the canvassing group makes would go towards that, but most would go for radical change issues, like stopping clear channel and taking on war profiteer corporations using direct action as a means to the end...that is the dream that will be a reality...eventually...
so i should probably update this bizznatch...my day was pretty average...got to start out canvassing with $86 so that was noice...won the production prize for getting the most letters for one day ($36) and got the most letter average for the week ($50)...i never would have made quota today without it cauz we went to Farmington and the people there just fucking sucked, apathetic as fuck and total asshole stingy ass motherfuckers lying through their teeth giving the same ol' excuse after excuse...oh if you didn't know i work for CWA, a nonprofit non-partison environmental lobby organization that works mostly on water issues...and yes it is very hierarchical and capitalistic and there are a lot of things i hate about it but that is also why a small group of CWA employees have been meeting to form a new collectively run organization canvass+storefront+apartment+newspaper deal that seems like a huge task ahead of us and alot of work but it is going pretty smoothly so far...we have our eyes set on an abandoned building with room for 70 apartments and 12 storefronts...basically we want to build this community that would run outside of the capitalist system...the people that live in the apartments would not have to pay rent, just work your shift at the storefront collective, all your basic needs will be met--food, drink, clothing, etc. People that do not live in the space or work at any of the collectives would pay like they pay for any business...that money would go towards the mortgages and bills etc. and some of the money the canvassing group makes would go towards that, but most would go for radical change issues, like stopping clear channel and taking on war profiteer corporations using direct action as a means to the end...that is the dream that will be a reality...eventually...
you could totally make that work. Especially if the stores you offered had some sort of appeal to them.
I like that idea a lot actually.
good luck with it man, and let us know how it all turns out!