another weekend comes to an end...friday all i did was sleep...thursday night i partied till 8 in the morning, woke up at 1pm, biked home, slept till 4pm, did my volunteer shift at the bookstore from 4-8pm, went home and went to sleep...saturday went to my cousin's glogg party--where you drink spiced, warmed red wine with fruit in it...mmmmmm...then went home drank some more, then went to my friends and drank some more till 8 in the morning...then woke up at 2 and my sister came over and took pictures of me for the poster of a "hair of the dog" theme concert at 7th st entry on jan. 1st, so i was supposed to be hung over as hell for the shoot and I sure was...then went to weekly meeting to form new nonprofit collective and now here I am fucking tired as hell...just gonna chill and watch a movie i think...latez!
More Blogs
Sunday Oct 19, 2008
Yo!!! So yeah I haven't posted anything in a really long time, it'… -
Friday Nov 16, 2007
So...yep...I'm in Austin, Texas right now...drove my motorcycle down … -
Wednesday Jun 07, 2006
So the Satanic Zombie Dance Party was a smashing success!! There wer… -
Saturday Jun 03, 2006
All right Folks, The End is Near, 6/6/06 is approaching!! And you … -
Tuesday May 23, 2006
I moved and now have internet and stuff, yay! -
Friday May 05, 2006
I moved, and finally have internet again, yay! -
Thursday Apr 13, 2006
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Tuesday Apr 04, 2006
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going to the saloon later tongiht..