Well that was a brief pause.

I got my new laptop today and very happy. I've spent the last two days uploading and all that crap. I'm just glad everything works.

Not much else going on. Now I'm waiting for the new H2O album that they mentioned at the show. The going away party for gonzoe is also this weekend. Going to be good to...
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*downloads oi to the world*

thanks for the tip.

sorry i won't be at the gonzoe party. i'm sure we'll meet up sometime. . . .
Well all this is a pause.

I am selling my current computer to pay for my new one, so I'll be checking in through my roommates comp till I get my new one set up. See you on the upgrade. Take care.

Sailing the Seas of Guinness
The Rev
What kind of comp are you getting?
for shame!

see you soon, hopefully.
Seeing H2O w/ No Roses, Nervous Breakdown & The Attack. Was a really great show, nice small venue. Got to talk to all the bands and espicially Rusty and the rest of the guys from H2O. Also found out that they will be working on a new album now.

Merch- Seriously, I got three t-shirts and a shit load of demos. Was a good...
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Oh cause I went to their site and it says only the places I left on here before. Sweet for yous man! biggrin
caber tossing and kilts? count me in!
Well I'm glad thats over

Had to work ALL weekend, that definatly for sucked bad. Was really boring and for some strange reason, people I think here purposely trying to annoy me. mad

Otherwise everything is doing o.k., I have the next two nights off with very little to do. No I just have to fix that problem. I went bowling recently and beat the crap...
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*bites* wink kiss
I bet the H2O show will kick major ass. Floggin Molly and NOFX too...wicked awesome bands for sure. Have fun, wish i was goin!!
Well enough of the alphabet silliness. biggrin

All need to go to Nikkita's page a bow before the glory and rapture that is her in the "SHORTEST SKIRT KNOWN TO MAN". Seriously, youre not on this site to see my sacrilegious ass......you here to look at hot sacrilegious "womens" asses. biggrin

Because of Seandave I have been on a Dwarves kick for the last week. Although...
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The bass is one of the easiest things to learn. ARRR!!!
Came to my moms to use her puter since the bastard took the other one away from me. Just wanted to pop in and say hey. *BIG HUGS* kiss
[A is for age:] - 25

[B is for booze of choice:] - Whiskey ( Jameson and Maker's Mark)

[C is for career:] - aaaa First mate on a pirate ship or school teacher

[D is for your dad's name:] - Mark

[E is for essential items to bring to a party:] - Camera phone, booze, smokes,"Jimmy's"

[F is for favorite song at the moment:]...
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so who'd you kiss Sunday? Not jealous, totally curious. I thought we agreed you'd bring them home to me....lol. Have a great day at work.
Well I survived "Black Friday" without having to go to a retail store. Thank fortune for that. I actually saw people lined up at 330am to go shop. Nice how greed and wrath follow sloth and gluttony.

Was supposed to go see Ice Harvest tonight, ended up getting drunk with friends and BBQing some buffalo steaks. If you havent tried buffalo, really do recommended it....
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had a rad time yesterday brother. i'll call you up when i get back into town.

ARRR!!! skull
haha, awesome. we'll see what we can do about that vest.

dude, i may just be staying in a loft above that venue haha. i may be seeing the dwarves again. smile
Greetings from Florida, where right now somewhere here Jeb Bush is eating a live puppy and Cyborg Walt Disney is preparing his feast of small Cuban children. <~~~~ Thats a two part show reference.

Went to see The Briefs and Clit 45 last night at the Back Booth. Really a small venue, love the old school dive feel. The Briefs really were something I had...
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Oh, yes, my chinchilla is ordained. Did you ever hear that song "The Mississippi Squirrel Revival" by Ray Stevens? The song was actually about the Reverend's cousin, twice removed.

He is an adorable little critter, and his given name is Remy but you know how pets can end up with many nicknames.

"Remy" turned into "Remeex," "Remeex" turned into "Meeks," and the "reverend" bit is self-explanatory.

I spent a fortune sending him to seminary. frown
rock and roll


sounds like you had an a-ok thanksgiving, even if it wasnt the traditional meal. i am supposedly getting tattooed on sunday. i leave tuesday. call me up brother.

ARRR!!! skull
Long frigging weekend........worked the whole time mostly and was still feeling the effects of the wonderful flu nasel spray I got. I prefer shot, no fear of needles....so spraying up my nose and then tasting it was displeasurable. puke

Well I have the next two nights off and will be going to see the Briefs and Clit 45 @ the Back Booth. Not really into the...
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Not into The Briefs??? Blasphemy!!! Have you seen 'em live yet? If not, your transgression MIGHT be forgivable, but only if you haven't listened to much of their stuff. Those guys are one of my favorite current bands and put on an incredible show more consistently than any other band I can think of. I've seen them tons of times and not once has it been anything less than a mindblowing experience, whether in front of thirty people or three hundred.
I wiah i was down there for a rainy day with you wink
Im trying to feel better, but so far the prospect of buying low mg doses of xanax from my cousin is making me smile.
Still anxious and trying to type thru it.
