So someone has gifted me a 3 month subscription, incredibly awesome but I wish I knew who it was so I could properly thank them!
What's new with me? Well the divorce is Finally FINAL as of December 22nd so that's happy in a round about way. I have 2 new piercings and new ink on my back that I'm super stoked about. I'll have a pic with my new ink up here soon, but idk if I can post the new piercings since they're on my cock...What are the posting rules on that anyway?
Anyways, off to browsing!

What's new with me? Well the divorce is Finally FINAL as of December 22nd so that's happy in a round about way. I have 2 new piercings and new ink on my back that I'm super stoked about. I'll have a pic with my new ink up here soon, but idk if I can post the new piercings since they're on my cock...What are the posting rules on that anyway?
Anyways, off to browsing!
Thank you 

Thanks for the support babe!