- on lilmelmelody's album
- on announcements's blog post
- on crystalnoir's page
- on teehohodka's photo
- on user0314220932's photo
- on user0314220932's photo
So someone has gifted me a 3 month subscription, incredibly awesome but I wish I knew who it was so I could properly thank them!
What's new with me? Well the divorce is Finally FINAL as of December 22nd so that's happy in a round about way. I have 2 new piercings and new ink on my back that I'm super stoked about. I'll have...
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What's new with me? Well the divorce is Finally FINAL as of December 22nd so that's happy in a round about way. I have 2 new piercings and new ink on my back that I'm super stoked about. I'll have...
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Thank you 

Thanks for the support babe!

Nothin new really special going on. Had to work today, so that sucked ass. I'm wanting some new ink but I can't decide what the hell I wanna get. I also want a new piercing, but there again, I don't know what to get. Gaa I'm such a dork...
thank you for the beautiful testimonial! 

well, i'm new to the site...been curious about it ever since i saw the real sex episode on the site, and i'm really glad i joined! ammmm....not sure what else to put here for now...