The new year is upon us. I never ever make resolutions but this year I have. I've made a couple of steps in the right direction. I just hope I can stick with it. I think that I can. On Christmas day I went to visit my grandfather's grave. I found out earlier that my whole family has a plot all next to each other.... Read More
I've made a couple of decisions that I think will greatly benefit me in the very near future. Excuse me if I'm a bit cryptic because I don't want to set myself up for failure but I hope I can stick with it. Doing (or NOT doing) these things will greatly effect my wallet. This way I can afford a decent digicam to shoot dumb... Read More
It seems like I can't go a single day without hearing at least one fucking Bon Jovi song! Either at work or on my day off either on the radio while I'm in the shower or in a store or something. Why does God hate me so much?! I tell you this right now, I know he claims to have rocked a million faces but... Read More
thankies, m'dear... hopefully it goes away soon... though, yesterday was quite lovely... until everyone left and i realized that people still suck and i still care about too many things... heh.
i did get my cat a present!... nothing big, cuz i be po'... but just some cat toys...
I've decided to conduct an experiment of sorts tonight in real time. I've decided to get drunk (wait-there's more!) and photograph myself while writing a quick blurb at the beginning of each beer. I see the before and after of my drunken behavior but I want to capture it as it goes along. We'll see if this works. Feel free to leave comments along the... Read More