Well, after three appointments from Comcast (two of which they showed up for) and 6 phone calls, I think my cable is fixed and all is well. It figures that when I actually decide to get back online (shut up Skythe) that it completely fucks up on me. During the last phone call (the one that worked) she seemed startled that my internet was back online. I thought that was the point since I was on the phone for an hour talking to her. I'm guessing English was a second language. Either that or she was drunk. I know I was.
Anyway, she puts me on hold, comes back and says, "Mr. Benwood?"
I didn't feel like telling her that's not my name. So I just say, "Yeah?"
"I think we're done here. Anything else?" Then she hung up before I had a chance to respond. Doesn't matter. I was done with her ass. I had two months of titties to look at.
Actually, that's not even the first thing I did. I immediately got the newest version of Limewire and downloaded Cat Stephens' Moonshadow. I have been listening to that song non-stop ever since. Every since? I always forget which one is correct. I also download a Riley Mason clip.
Blockbuster Inc. has bought out our store so we are no longer a franchise.It has plusses and minuses. The big plus is that we can now live in fear of losing our jobs (yeah, even me) if we don't sell the online service. I went Blockbuster.com and signed myself up for free since that counts as a sell. Man, that website sucks. I did find Buttcrack though, so I got that as one of my movies.
Also, we have to wear stupid ass shirts like this one:

I haven't been up to much else. I went to a Headbanger's Ball party and will have pics on VG if I can get a certain someone to send me the pics. Here is one of me and Skythe (I'm not linking your name twice, pal!)

My improvised and self-shot video is now up on youtube. Go check it out, give me lots of 5 stars and say nice things about me. Or don't say anything at all.
Anyway, she puts me on hold, comes back and says, "Mr. Benwood?"
I didn't feel like telling her that's not my name. So I just say, "Yeah?"
"I think we're done here. Anything else?" Then she hung up before I had a chance to respond. Doesn't matter. I was done with her ass. I had two months of titties to look at.
Actually, that's not even the first thing I did. I immediately got the newest version of Limewire and downloaded Cat Stephens' Moonshadow. I have been listening to that song non-stop ever since. Every since? I always forget which one is correct. I also download a Riley Mason clip.
Blockbuster Inc. has bought out our store so we are no longer a franchise.It has plusses and minuses. The big plus is that we can now live in fear of losing our jobs (yeah, even me) if we don't sell the online service. I went Blockbuster.com and signed myself up for free since that counts as a sell. Man, that website sucks. I did find Buttcrack though, so I got that as one of my movies.
Also, we have to wear stupid ass shirts like this one:

I haven't been up to much else. I went to a Headbanger's Ball party and will have pics on VG if I can get a certain someone to send me the pics. Here is one of me and Skythe (I'm not linking your name twice, pal!)

My improvised and self-shot video is now up on youtube. Go check it out, give me lots of 5 stars and say nice things about me. Or don't say anything at all.
Headbanger's Ball party?!? What?!
Hey Benwood!