I'm soooo frustrated with a certain person. One of my best friends is also friends with this (jackass) guy. She's very distressed right now because the guy friend is being all mopey and shit and saying she's not trying to hang out with him at all. First of all, she's super busy and she's my best friend and I barely get to see her. But I understand this and our schedules don't mesh very well. I know she tries to make time for me as I try to do for her. She's just a really busy person and she wants to see people, it just can't happen. Second, hey dude, she's married and she doesn't even get to see her husband that often. You (jackass dude) getting all huffy that she doesn't get to see you that often when she doesn't even get to see her own husband... Dammit, you just have no right. Stop being so self-centered and think about her side... God, I really wanna slug this guy. Distressing my friends distresses me and pisses me off. Fuck you jackass dude. Third, my friend has also said with dude living in her house along with husband and another roommate, she has NO alone time what-so-ever, and dude complains that she doesn't pay atention to him sometimes because she wants some alone time (i.e. read a book, relax, etc.). Jackass! When she says she just wants some time to herself, give it to her, you fuckface! Now she feels guilty because you tell her this. God, I wanna fucking kick your ass. Fucking mopey ass whiney bitch. I have no respect for you.
Sorry, but I really needed to vent.
Sorry, but I really needed to vent.
it's one of the tour pics from a band i dig....heh.
When I can find the time. This room is keeping me so busy that I find myself not having the time to actually log on.
It's a double sworded edge.