Tash is having troubles with her family. Her brother is being a total asshat (it feels good to call him that, since I have to be diplomatic in person) as well as her supposed best friend who lives with her brother. Tash told her friend that she would likely give $300 or $400 to them depending how much she got back on her taxes for being nice and helping out last year watching the kiddo. She ended up giving them $300.
The brother then went to her mom (instead of trying to talk to Tash) and complained he's not appreciated and he wants his extra $100. Not only that but I voluteered to help put the kiddo thru preschool and Tash mentioned it, and he complained she had some nerve paying to put him into school and not just paying him the same amount weekly to watch him. Mind you, he watched the kiddo about 35 times last year. That doesn't include weeks in which we watched his daughter and bought her dinner and didn't ask for payment or times Tash gave them money to help out when she could. This doesn't include the times she brought food over to leave there and help out, or even dinners we bought for them or invited them over for. He's thankless. He's jobless. He's lazy and won't look for a job. And I just can't believe he would bitch that he deserves the money more than the kiddo deserves a jumpstart on his education.
Oh yeah, did I mention he's refused to watch the kiddo one day last week last minute and a friend of mine was gracious enough to watch him for the day when we both had to work.
See, this is a money issue. And it's pissing me off. Her mom told her to just give him the extra $100 to calm things down. I told her don't cave into your mom. Her family just totally manipulates her and makes her feel bad if they don't get what they want.
I'm sure I could write this out much better if I took the time, but I'm just pissed. There's so much to it.
If that was all garbledy gook, just take the easy way to try and understand this.
Tash is poor and works hard to help out. Her bro is jobless and lazy and watches the kiddo a max of once a week. He doesn't teach him or help him learn. He plays video games, budgets poorly and is behind on bills. Blames his misfortune on us and wants more money. Complains when we try to better the kiddo.
That pretty much lays it out. He's a lazy pissant. I can't stand him.
Ok, I think I feel a little better. I miss blogging.
The brother then went to her mom (instead of trying to talk to Tash) and complained he's not appreciated and he wants his extra $100. Not only that but I voluteered to help put the kiddo thru preschool and Tash mentioned it, and he complained she had some nerve paying to put him into school and not just paying him the same amount weekly to watch him. Mind you, he watched the kiddo about 35 times last year. That doesn't include weeks in which we watched his daughter and bought her dinner and didn't ask for payment or times Tash gave them money to help out when she could. This doesn't include the times she brought food over to leave there and help out, or even dinners we bought for them or invited them over for. He's thankless. He's jobless. He's lazy and won't look for a job. And I just can't believe he would bitch that he deserves the money more than the kiddo deserves a jumpstart on his education.
Oh yeah, did I mention he's refused to watch the kiddo one day last week last minute and a friend of mine was gracious enough to watch him for the day when we both had to work.
See, this is a money issue. And it's pissing me off. Her mom told her to just give him the extra $100 to calm things down. I told her don't cave into your mom. Her family just totally manipulates her and makes her feel bad if they don't get what they want.
I'm sure I could write this out much better if I took the time, but I'm just pissed. There's so much to it.
If that was all garbledy gook, just take the easy way to try and understand this.
Tash is poor and works hard to help out. Her bro is jobless and lazy and watches the kiddo a max of once a week. He doesn't teach him or help him learn. He plays video games, budgets poorly and is behind on bills. Blames his misfortune on us and wants more money. Complains when we try to better the kiddo.
That pretty much lays it out. He's a lazy pissant. I can't stand him.
Ok, I think I feel a little better. I miss blogging.

wow, i would be so angry if i were you too. but again like you said you can only gently suggest things to her. being that it's family sometimes people's blinders are pretty thick.