6am Morning workouts are cool and not cool.
Reasons for cool:
-Energy throughout the day
-gets the workout out of the way leaving more afternoon time
-cute girl that works out and flirts with me everyday in the morning
-related to the energy, totally not sleepy at all anymore in the afternoon
-The days seem totally longer now and I feel like I get more things done
Not cool:
-Ass early
-colder out with no sun
-I've missed breakfast all three early morning workouts.
I'll keep at it and see how it goes. Cool outranks not cool.
I'll have to try and rework my breakfast schedule.
Does anyone think like Jean-Luc Picard when you think the work schedule.
Not like the usual way you pronounce it, but the cool British way when you say 'shedule' with the c silent.
I totally do.
Reasons for cool:
-Energy throughout the day
-gets the workout out of the way leaving more afternoon time
-cute girl that works out and flirts with me everyday in the morning
-related to the energy, totally not sleepy at all anymore in the afternoon
-The days seem totally longer now and I feel like I get more things done
Not cool:
-Ass early
-colder out with no sun
-I've missed breakfast all three early morning workouts.
I'll keep at it and see how it goes. Cool outranks not cool.
I'll have to try and rework my breakfast schedule.
Does anyone think like Jean-Luc Picard when you think the work schedule.
Not like the usual way you pronounce it, but the cool British way when you say 'shedule' with the c silent.
I totally do.