I can't think of one fucking thing to say. That's why I haven't written anything lately. I've started drinking wine again. It's better for drinking alone. Which I often do. When I drink beer I like to get rowdy and getting rowdy by yourself isn't that entertaining. I need to go to the bar. I haven't been in months. There's only one place I can go to seeing as how god cursed me into being born one year and 3 months too late. Don't ask me the name of the place or I'll just call you a nark. I like pissing people off. I'm going to get a fucking Tattoo. I've put it off for much to long. I have like five that I want. I want the SG logo on the back of my neck "because SG are my initials-the only problem is that if I ever get hitched I'm not keeping my last name", I want Spike from Cowboy Bebop on my left forearm with gun drawn and jet on my left, I'd like the Medical Mechanico logo from Furi Kuri some where and the scene from Jimmy the Hideous Penguin Boy on my calf. I bought a new pocket knife from the Alley. I tell people it's for self protection because if I didn't they would think I'm a mass murder which most people think I am anyway. But the truth is I just wanted a knife. I spent a Hundred bucks on a new USB Keyboard and I have yet to touch it. I guess I thought I was gonna be a Rock Star. Go Figure. Oh Well, Fuck off I'm tired. Hugs and Kisses.

Good luck with your tat man. I keep saving up for one (well my whole back) but get screwed and have to spend the money. You should go with the Furi Kuri one first, cuz its the shit. I think I am going to watch it again tonight now once I am drunk all because of your journal.
Remember, it doesn't matter what people think as long as they can't prove it. Whats wrong with being a mass murderer anyways? With all this health care shit we have now, its a valid form of population control.