I know I know. I haven't written in a while. So beat me. I've been super busy with work. I hate work. I hate my job. If i have to keep saying that god damned greeting I swear I'm gonna go insane and brutally mame something and/or someone. No I'm just kidding. No long black coats and shotguns for me. I'm not THAT crazy. Ihave ten dollars in my checking acct. and that has to last me until the 6th. Damn independance day. Now don't get me wrong I think this country is just fine. I have nothing against america as long as it doesn't get in the way of me getting paid, then I get pissed off. Well I suppose it's my own falt. I spent all my money on "Dead Like Me" the series on dvd. So if anyone knows how I can make some fast cash tell me(I am not opposed to being a sexslave
) . See ya later space Cowboys.
