Bonjourno. I almost amanaged to go the entire day without leaving the house. But than my stupid sister made me go to the store for her. Oh well. Islept even later than yesterday than I spent the rest of the day on SG and playing my bass; Anna. By the way all my guitars have names. My acoustic is Page, my p bass is Bobby, my electric is April, and my newest bass is AnnaBerryHope after my three siblings. Wow I guess there's a lot I haven't shared with you guys yet. I suppose I should start now but I have to sleep soon. Instead I'm leaving you all with a song lyric. If anyone can guess what song this is or who it's by I'll give you a surprise ... or a slap in the face.
"When your driving with your breaks on. When your swimming with your boots on. It's hard to say you love someone. But it's hard to say you don't."
"When your driving with your breaks on. When your swimming with your boots on. It's hard to say you love someone. But it's hard to say you don't."
