I made it to Germany safe and sound. I've been here almost 3 weeks and I LOVE it. I got a job in a week or so, which means there's money rolling in. And we all know what money leads to.... travel! I'm trying to plan a trip for early December but haven't decided on where to go yet. Air travel is wicked cheap, though, so it should be somewhere fabulous.
I had the most amazing trip in Dublin. Saw everything I possibly could, fell in love with a barista, completed my first official pub crawl (without puking), and overall had a fantastic time ringing in my quarter of a century celebration.
My sister (whom I'm living with) is about ten days away from having her baby. I'm so stinkin' excited. Today we made a plaster cast of her belly that she's going to paint and hang on her wall. Very cool stuff. She's decided to have a home birth, so I've been researching it a little so I'm not totally a fish out of water when everything goes down.
In other news... My set goes up in MR on Nov 11th!!!! And just before I moved, I figured out how to edit my pictures. So next post, I promise pics.
Bedtime for bonzai.
I made it to Germany safe and sound. I've been here almost 3 weeks and I LOVE it. I got a job in a week or so, which means there's money rolling in. And we all know what money leads to.... travel! I'm trying to plan a trip for early December but haven't decided on where to go yet. Air travel is wicked cheap, though, so it should be somewhere fabulous.
I had the most amazing trip in Dublin. Saw everything I possibly could, fell in love with a barista, completed my first official pub crawl (without puking), and overall had a fantastic time ringing in my quarter of a century celebration.
My sister (whom I'm living with) is about ten days away from having her baby. I'm so stinkin' excited. Today we made a plaster cast of her belly that she's going to paint and hang on her wall. Very cool stuff. She's decided to have a home birth, so I've been researching it a little so I'm not totally a fish out of water when everything goes down.
In other news... My set goes up in MR on Nov 11th!!!! And just before I moved, I figured out how to edit my pictures. So next post, I promise pics.
Bedtime for bonzai.

i'll have to check at the post office to see if they can give me a price to send it there.
necklace A hasn't sold yet! it's yours if you want it.
oh and can't wait to see your MR set <3
I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. If you don't mind me asking where you calling home these days? When I'm not deployed I am in Bitburg.
Opaque, it doesn't cost any more to ship to a APO than shipping to NY. You will have to use the post office though like you mentioned. UPS and others won't deliver to APO's.
I look forward to your set!!