First and foremost: I am not screening my messages, email, myspace, facebook... my mobile does not even work properly, so Im less than not available.
As we are supposed to be on Christmas season (and I reckon as Ive been told that the TV I dont use to watch is filled with annoying toys ads) I try to take advantage to my electronic impairment and try to enjoy (more or less) the short vacations to do things that have nothing to see with working or loosing my time in the net.
I suppose I should thank
RamblingRose for that
So, instead of wishing you a Happy New Year, I will end this Gregorian year with a paranoiac conspiracy theory that has been bothering me for quite a long and I would like to share with you, although you wont care at all (I know who are the few people who I write this for).
So, it goes something like this.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
A couple of legislatures ago, here in Spain we had a right-winger Party at government called the Partido Popular (PP). Although it wasnt very popular (neither beloved nor democratic) it reached the power as several viral advert campaigns, allegedly red, urged the people with left-winged inclinations to not to trust the democratic proceedings, which meant, not to vote at all.
With most part of socialist sheep out of game, the conservatives had a very permissive road (and absolute majority) to carry out their liberalism (word that I always loved), economical in nature and pretty fucked up in fact.
According to RAE, liberalism means Political doctrine that defends individual liberties and initiatives, and limits the governments intervention and powers in social, economical and cultural fields.
I, more or less, agree.
The non-intervention of the government in some aspects of social life in a country ruled by the picaresque, is dangerous.
Law of supply and demand, for instance. Although this is one of the foundations of liberalism, this law shouldnt be applied to goods of necessity, such as communications or the ceiling above your head, because if all parts agree on a high price (as happened in Spain) we are all pretty fucked up. And absurd things as my dwellings worth (about 6.000 euros the square feet) may happen.
On the other hand, this non-intervention policy also applies to corporations registering looses because the decrease on peoples purchasing power.
And you didnt need to be economist to know that the absurd economical spin Spain was into will need the government wealth to lend a hand, because recession started here long before the newspapers started to talk about. Not only for the entrance of the euro as new currency, rising the prices not according with salaries, but for the irrational rise of necessity goods price. Soon, the citizens wont be able to afford the mortgages of their luxury 30 square meters flats and banks will loose, this way, the inexistent loan guarantee in the shape of a devalued dwelling.
Who will help them reimburse the looses if the government practices that have help them to grow fat and wealth are against disbursing the bucks to cover their holes?
And, then, I imagine The Board, with the chairman chewing tobacco like an old (and crappy) western movie saying Hey guys, we need socialists back on track.
Holy crap, you have already obtained the voting abstention of the left-winker part of society so, how the fuck are you going to make them vote again?
Remember, remember, the 5th of November only that in this case was a 11th of March, the day that the calmed sheep was pushed out the streets in views of the most terrible terrorist attack in Spanish history.
PP headquarters in Madrid was full of people spitting and calling them names.
But they did something worse. THEY VOTED. They voted against the party that sent a Spanish representation to a war the people didnt want.
So, whats the situation nowadays? The socialist government insufflating capital now that the recession is the headline of todays news.
I dont think so.
que tal???...yo soy en Italia...