These are my priorities. If you don't like them, then I guess you are S.O.L.
1. My health. This is the most important thing of all. Mental or physical, I can't be productive without either.
2. Having the means to support myself so I am not out living on the streets.
3. School. Just because I don't want to do it a certain way doesn't mean I don't want to do it at all. However, I have to live life in such a manner that allows me to take care of myself.
No one else knows what's better for you than you. Don't get caught up in someone else's expectations no matter how much they threaten or bully you. Bullying is just a last resort in a for those who feel like they are losing control. There are kinder and more effective ways to reach someone but just because you want to help a person you care for doesn't mean assuming control of their life and what they want to do. The best way you can aid someone is by listening to them and helping them follow their dreams. If you can't do that, you are simply of no help at all.
If you can't understand this, you are probably not a good person. Who am I to judge? I am me, and I have to live this shit life, not you.
You know who you are...go ahead, run to dad little the snitch you are. After 17 years, I know that's what you do best. Fuck, distort the facts. That's what this family is best at but we aware since we're all so concerned with morality feel free to pass the following on: you should do do nice things for others simply because you care and not because you expect anything in return or it's just an act of vanity.
1. My health. This is the most important thing of all. Mental or physical, I can't be productive without either.
2. Having the means to support myself so I am not out living on the streets.
3. School. Just because I don't want to do it a certain way doesn't mean I don't want to do it at all. However, I have to live life in such a manner that allows me to take care of myself.
No one else knows what's better for you than you. Don't get caught up in someone else's expectations no matter how much they threaten or bully you. Bullying is just a last resort in a for those who feel like they are losing control. There are kinder and more effective ways to reach someone but just because you want to help a person you care for doesn't mean assuming control of their life and what they want to do. The best way you can aid someone is by listening to them and helping them follow their dreams. If you can't do that, you are simply of no help at all.
If you can't understand this, you are probably not a good person. Who am I to judge? I am me, and I have to live this shit life, not you.
You know who you are...go ahead, run to dad little the snitch you are. After 17 years, I know that's what you do best. Fuck, distort the facts. That's what this family is best at but we aware since we're all so concerned with morality feel free to pass the following on: you should do do nice things for others simply because you care and not because you expect anything in return or it's just an act of vanity.
I hope everything works out for you.
You are a real sweet person. All my best wishes for you.
Take care ok.
Go get 'em Rev.