Was up until all hours of the night last night having all sorts of fun with svenerikkson and my long lost lady friend talking, listening to music and watching youtube videos. Yesterday, I also managed to dig up my old writings/drawings from high school. They almost make me wish I had a scanner of some sort. The night before that, went out and had a grand old time (after being hilariously lost) but ended up meeting someone that helped shine some light on a few mysteries of life etc. etc.
OH! And the most important part.....right before I was about to head to bed and pass out, my friend that's in Iraq messaged me on AIM and we got to talk for a little bit. I miss her so fucking much. Every day she's gone seems like an eternity but I really need to learn to tough it up. If she can do it and she's the one who's actually there, so can I.
Oh yeah and this is waaaaaaaay too little too late buuuuuuuuuut for those in the PHX area, come and enjoy Chiptune/8-Bit music at Trunk Space tonighty:

electro/chiptunes music:
Robotcowboy is from Sweden:
The Coitus
WidgetPhreak... my gameboy music
http://www.widgetphreak.com )
Doors = 8pm
Cover = $6
OH! And the most important part.....right before I was about to head to bed and pass out, my friend that's in Iraq messaged me on AIM and we got to talk for a little bit. I miss her so fucking much. Every day she's gone seems like an eternity but I really need to learn to tough it up. If she can do it and she's the one who's actually there, so can I.
Oh yeah and this is waaaaaaaay too little too late buuuuuuuuuut for those in the PHX area, come and enjoy Chiptune/8-Bit music at Trunk Space tonighty:

electro/chiptunes music:
Robotcowboy is from Sweden:
The Coitus
WidgetPhreak... my gameboy music
http://www.widgetphreak.com )
Doors = 8pm
Cover = $6
sounds like good times on all counts!
Good night