I know guys. I made you a promise and then basically completely ignored it.
For this I am very, very sorry. I am. Very.
I am :P
Life has very much been like this recently.
Life just keeps on happening, so in my few minutes of time to myself... I shall treat you all to a blog. My time is being stolen by a booooooooooy. And while that is a terrible excuse.... I find myself happier than I have been in a very long time, which has been noted by people around me too.
We're good for each other. Very good.
I mentioned before, it has already not been without it's problems, but these things serve only to make us stronger do they not? And things ever since have been a little bit perfect.
I live for mornings like these. We're apart right now and they're few and far between, but we're working on that.
But, anyway. Life recently has seen me realise that some things are NOT best ignored. Like financial situations.
Mine is, thankfully, not dire... yet. With some being careful I hope to turn things around but I have a feeling it is going to mean making a lot of sacrifices, and probably a change of job.
It got me thinking though... A lot of the girls sell prints for some extra cash, and if I was to do so who would be interested, and which pictures would you like to see on offer?
I'm gonna start getting some ideas together :)
HOW exciting about all the gorgeous new ladies turning pink recently? Seeing more and more of my favourite faces on the front page makes me so happy!
First my darling @mikaul and then @felis up today. I'm so proud of my girls <3
UK take over, I'm tellin ya ;)
There's a hell of a lot of SG homework tasks I appear to be behind on too... but I figured the most current was a good place to start.
So, 10 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me....
1. I can play the trumpet. I (lazily) took my music exams and played in school orchestras until I was around 15, but always only really wanted to be in a ska band. I still have it somewhere.
2. There is photographic evidence, somewhere, of me dressed as a giant lobster. A lobster themed showgirl, granted.. but very much still a big, orange lobster.
3. I'm obsessed with stationery. Give me envelopes and pretty pens.
4. Four... is actually my favourite number to write by hand. Is that weird? It's probably weird...
5. My SG name really, honestly has no origin. I just liked it. By the time I had come to consider changing it, too many people knew me as Reubs, so I stuck with it. It's a good job I still like it!
6. I very recently accidentally met and fangirled at Chuck Palahniuk. He came into the store I work in and only when I took his card as payment did I realise who I had just served. Co-incidentally I had just that day purchased Pygmy and promptly went to pieces in front of him upon telling him this, and that Invisible Monsters is one of my favourite books of all time and had not yet gotten my hands on the recent remix re-release of it.
He came back an hour later with signed copies of his latest book, and the one it's a squeal to... AND the Invisible Monsters - Remix.
I was shaking for about half an hour afterwards.
7. There will one day be a Reuben/@galda multi. It has been agreed. I hope it will be one day very soon. CURVES FOR DAYS.
8. I really want to dye my hair green. Like really dark green. British racing green.
9. I grew up in Silverstone. "The home of British motorsport", if you want. I know this isn't REALLY an unknown fact, but it's a fun one all the same. For me at the time, it was obviously very much just what I assumed everyone put up with every summer... But these days it's not uncommon for me to put the F1 on just for the fact I find the sound of the cars comforting...
10. I have a polarbear teddy bear named Eisbear, as this is the german translation and I bought him in Berlin zoo. He is so far away from being white anymore than people assume I have had him for years.
I did, in fact, buy him when I was 19. But then.... I suppose that IS 7 years ago now :|.
So. there you have it.
That is life at present. I'm still working hard on jewellery things, its coming together very slowly but I have a lot of people pushing me now to get stuff moving.
Keep your eyes peeled guuuuuys
And input on what prints you'd like to see would be awesome <3