So the previous blog. All the lols. 
Life lately has been work.
Sewing stuff. Day job. Making jewellery to sell. Applying for jobs. No fun for Reubs.
I don't have any money to have any fun anyway.
October is for fun.
Doll_ put holes in me.
For those of you that KEEP asking me "Why only pierce one nipple?", you probably received a very snarky message from me in response... because, you know, I HAVE to have both done don't I? Them's the rules.
Nevermind that it WAS two once up on a time.
I am now symmetrical once again.

And I did this because I felt wonky, not because the internet demands my tits to be matching.
This one also happened, which is taking some getting used to.

And here... have some 'here's what I look like right now' bed hair.

I'm getting up, making more tea and doing more sewing.
Chat's gone... and.... it's not upped my productivity.
Oh annnddd I should be receiving my final set from the shoot in March from Alma VERY soon.
I'm exciiiiiited!! Keep your eyes peeled.

SGUK, go check the 'Totally not a Christmas event' I have posted in the group. It's gonna be the best.

Life lately has been work.
Sewing stuff. Day job. Making jewellery to sell. Applying for jobs. No fun for Reubs.
I don't have any money to have any fun anyway.
October is for fun.
Doll_ put holes in me.
For those of you that KEEP asking me "Why only pierce one nipple?", you probably received a very snarky message from me in response... because, you know, I HAVE to have both done don't I? Them's the rules.
Nevermind that it WAS two once up on a time.
I am now symmetrical once again.

And I did this because I felt wonky, not because the internet demands my tits to be matching.
This one also happened, which is taking some getting used to.

And here... have some 'here's what I look like right now' bed hair.

I'm getting up, making more tea and doing more sewing.
Chat's gone... and.... it's not upped my productivity.
Oh annnddd I should be receiving my final set from the shoot in March from Alma VERY soon.
I'm exciiiiiited!! Keep your eyes peeled.

SGUK, go check the 'Totally not a Christmas event' I have posted in the group. It's gonna be the best.
I'm not sure why the symmetry of your boobs is any concern of anyone's. I don't question the silly Swan Lake outfits when I'm at the ballet. (Could I have found a more absurd analogy, probably. There's always next time.
So I'm going to come bug you tomorrow around finishing time. I'm going to be in covent garden anyways, replacing my lost/stones knives. See if you can make Doll come, so we can irritate you with American inanity.