I want to vent but I don't know where, or who to.
If I use the phrase "I'm feeling restless" one more time, I fear I may break the Internet.
But sometimes I wonder whether or not that would really be a bad thing.
Rereading old blogs is slightly narcissistic and a little depressing but also a whole bunch amusing.
Because past-me makes me laugh. I mean, present-me is fucking HILARIOUS on a good day. I keep myself amused no end.
But present-me lets shit get to her too much too.
Some things just never change.
Neither version of me has her shit together. She has her shit strewn around.
Worst Virgo ever.
Excuse me, sweetheart, your crazy is showing.
Lots of things are getting to me lately. It all builds up.. and then that leaks into other things I wasn't even worried about until I'm a big ball of anxiety. It's great fun.
Sarcasm gets me in trouble.
Sarcasm plus the Internet is just an accident waiting to happen.
Since starting this blog I have had my rant elsewhere, to someone who told it like it is. In short - it's not for me to fucking stress about. It's not be who's being a dick. (Except it is, a bit.)
There are some wonderful people in my life, there really, really are.
Going back to the not even worried about it stance though. That was a good place to be.
What will be will be.
Ultimately, I am the ficklest of creatures.
If I use the phrase "I'm feeling restless" one more time, I fear I may break the Internet.
But sometimes I wonder whether or not that would really be a bad thing.
Rereading old blogs is slightly narcissistic and a little depressing but also a whole bunch amusing.
Because past-me makes me laugh. I mean, present-me is fucking HILARIOUS on a good day. I keep myself amused no end.
But present-me lets shit get to her too much too.
Some things just never change.
Neither version of me has her shit together. She has her shit strewn around.
Worst Virgo ever.
Excuse me, sweetheart, your crazy is showing.
Lots of things are getting to me lately. It all builds up.. and then that leaks into other things I wasn't even worried about until I'm a big ball of anxiety. It's great fun.
Sarcasm gets me in trouble.
Sarcasm plus the Internet is just an accident waiting to happen.
Since starting this blog I have had my rant elsewhere, to someone who told it like it is. In short - it's not for me to fucking stress about. It's not be who's being a dick. (Except it is, a bit.)
There are some wonderful people in my life, there really, really are.
Going back to the not even worried about it stance though. That was a good place to be.
What will be will be.
Ultimately, I am the ficklest of creatures.
Happy Birthday Gorgeous! 

Happy belated Birthday!