When one door closes... another... blahblahblah. No. Just no.
Doors can stay shut. It's cold.
Shutting them.
Slamming, even.
I like the people I have in my life right now. Both new and old. I don't plan on getting rid of anyone, at least.
For a while.
Some of you have even started to mean quite a bit to me.
Anyways. Less of that.
I, once again, can direct my mindless babble, sources of inspiration and hatred of badly dressed people into the Internet ether we call Twitter, while pretending I am friends with some vaguely famous people. I have been trying, fruitlessly, (and somewhat halfheartedly, I admit) to get back into my old account for about 6 months.... But, I quit. I started a new one.
Follow me heeeeeeeeeeeere
Go on. I'm funny sometimes, I promise.
While I'm on the self-whoring spree...
Here's my Instagram, and I swear I had more ways for you to Internet stalk me but apparently that's not the case. Tumblr is largely irrelevant.
Here's a couple of songs I love at the moment:

Doors can stay shut. It's cold.
Shutting them.
Slamming, even.
I like the people I have in my life right now. Both new and old. I don't plan on getting rid of anyone, at least.
For a while.
Some of you have even started to mean quite a bit to me.
Anyways. Less of that.
I, once again, can direct my mindless babble, sources of inspiration and hatred of badly dressed people into the Internet ether we call Twitter, while pretending I am friends with some vaguely famous people. I have been trying, fruitlessly, (and somewhat halfheartedly, I admit) to get back into my old account for about 6 months.... But, I quit. I started a new one.
Follow me heeeeeeeeeeeere
Go on. I'm funny sometimes, I promise.
While I'm on the self-whoring spree...
Here's my Instagram, and I swear I had more ways for you to Internet stalk me but apparently that's not the case. Tumblr is largely irrelevant.
Here's a couple of songs I love at the moment:
