today was just one of those days.
i woke up later than i wanted, but was showered and out of the house pretty early. grabbed the change on the table and went to tim hortons for breakfats. i then studied for a few hours at the library and sent out a few hundred emails to friends. the keyboard i was on had sticky keys. fucking eh. fucking gross.
so my midterm was sort of like sex with an ex gf who you never really liked, it really didn't go as well as i thought it might, my effort was mediocre and the end results will leave me disappointed. i'm thinking about a 75%. whatever. then i had sex with my proferssor on his desk like the tramp that i am...well no, but it'd be funny cuz he has this very serious british accent and i can just imagine him saying, in his siphistocated way, "how do you like that madame?" or something equally lame. he's actually pretty cool actually. we all know the prof to have sex with is still sarah, oh dear sweet sweet sarah. years later and she still blows my fucking mind. i'm reading her book right now. can't you just imagine it? sex with sarah would run in one of the following ways.
1. it would be fantatstic and she would yell out things like "decontrsutc me! deconstruct me now"...and in orgasmic delight she would like rip the shit out of my fucking body and soul.
2. we'd have sex and then discuss the way it reinforced the power imbalance between as not only as student and professor, hence priveledging her due to higher academic standing, but alos the age difference between us.
3. it'd be queer.
4. we wouldn't have sex at all. we would talk and it would be the ultimate mind fuck, resulting in passages like, "an understanding (and hence conceptualization) of the physical act of sex, which is completely devoid of bodily contact, is one that is in essence more fully felt than that which it is not. it is to fuck with the mind, and in the process of illiciting orgasm without contact being made through touch (if touch is to be understood as a actual felt sentiment expressed through skin to skin contact) the highest possible level of not only enjoyment, but also fullfilemnt is reached."
that ladies and gents. is sex with one dr. theory herself. aka. sarah. aka prof crush.
then i found out i'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out thursday february 24th. and i wimpered as i stood in the dairy section of fortinos picking up a container of soy so good. it seems this numb, swollen mouth will be no more...or it will be, but i will be missing a few teeth. i expect very great drugs.
later as i carried my groceries home in the fucking rain i proved to the world how truly clumbsy i am by slipping on the street corner (in my defence there was ice/frozen rain bullshit on the concrete), did some clown like manuveur so as to avoid falling on my ass completely and being hit by a bus, and instead ripped my shoe open all along the side. i then got to go the rest of the way home wearing a barely there shoe.
however. i bought cake today. marble coffee cake.
so you know, you win some you lose some.
*forgot to add, i'm listening to the need, which with lyrics like, "rim me isabella, circle like a dog" means you can't go wrong....why have sex to portishead when you can fuck to the need. gawd, high school wasn't half bad, at least i had cool music.
Put on your dick!

i woke up later than i wanted, but was showered and out of the house pretty early. grabbed the change on the table and went to tim hortons for breakfats. i then studied for a few hours at the library and sent out a few hundred emails to friends. the keyboard i was on had sticky keys. fucking eh. fucking gross.
so my midterm was sort of like sex with an ex gf who you never really liked, it really didn't go as well as i thought it might, my effort was mediocre and the end results will leave me disappointed. i'm thinking about a 75%. whatever. then i had sex with my proferssor on his desk like the tramp that i am...well no, but it'd be funny cuz he has this very serious british accent and i can just imagine him saying, in his siphistocated way, "how do you like that madame?" or something equally lame. he's actually pretty cool actually. we all know the prof to have sex with is still sarah, oh dear sweet sweet sarah. years later and she still blows my fucking mind. i'm reading her book right now. can't you just imagine it? sex with sarah would run in one of the following ways.
1. it would be fantatstic and she would yell out things like "decontrsutc me! deconstruct me now"...and in orgasmic delight she would like rip the shit out of my fucking body and soul.
2. we'd have sex and then discuss the way it reinforced the power imbalance between as not only as student and professor, hence priveledging her due to higher academic standing, but alos the age difference between us.
3. it'd be queer.
4. we wouldn't have sex at all. we would talk and it would be the ultimate mind fuck, resulting in passages like, "an understanding (and hence conceptualization) of the physical act of sex, which is completely devoid of bodily contact, is one that is in essence more fully felt than that which it is not. it is to fuck with the mind, and in the process of illiciting orgasm without contact being made through touch (if touch is to be understood as a actual felt sentiment expressed through skin to skin contact) the highest possible level of not only enjoyment, but also fullfilemnt is reached."
that ladies and gents. is sex with one dr. theory herself. aka. sarah. aka prof crush.
then i found out i'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out thursday february 24th. and i wimpered as i stood in the dairy section of fortinos picking up a container of soy so good. it seems this numb, swollen mouth will be no more...or it will be, but i will be missing a few teeth. i expect very great drugs.
later as i carried my groceries home in the fucking rain i proved to the world how truly clumbsy i am by slipping on the street corner (in my defence there was ice/frozen rain bullshit on the concrete), did some clown like manuveur so as to avoid falling on my ass completely and being hit by a bus, and instead ripped my shoe open all along the side. i then got to go the rest of the way home wearing a barely there shoe.
however. i bought cake today. marble coffee cake.
so you know, you win some you lose some.
*forgot to add, i'm listening to the need, which with lyrics like, "rim me isabella, circle like a dog" means you can't go wrong....why have sex to portishead when you can fuck to the need. gawd, high school wasn't half bad, at least i had cool music.
Put on your dick!

Yeah...Belleville is about two hours east of Toronto. I have to drive from Toronto there since they have no airport. It should be pretty fun. Being from Florida I'm not looking forward to freezing my ass off for two weeks but oh well.