i was doing fine at the pre bar gathering for lady nics birthday....enjoying my beer, drinking and in control, and i get to big primpin and that damn jagger shot just killed me. that shit sat in my throat, at 20 mins after arriving at stones place i swiftly moved to the bottle of water i named jones. i gave my dear old beer two more chances to redeam itself, but alas that shot dd me in, and i spent teh rest of the night sober and avoiding eye contact. me and sobriety don't mix well, sentences are quite difficult and i actually think at one point i mubbled enough junk to cause concern. i still humped the shit out of my friends, did my one dance move and had a random come up and slap me on the ass "because i deserved it if i was going to shake it like that". honestly now. it actually hurt but i was too busy laughing to you know, deal with the pain. as if i left the house in pants and managed to behave myself for one whole night. holy fuck my lips are going to forget the meaning of scandal if i don't break some rules soon. it was funny shit when i saw someone and i played it smooth saying we knew eachother from the world of online, and she said, well we met before that because we made out at vazaleen. its true, and such a better story!
when i got up for work at 6 this morning, i regretted having gotten home at 2:45. i still regret it, because i feel like shit.
last night though, my makeup looked hot. and so did about three really cute girls out last night. not that yr not all hot, they just kind of you know, whatever.
i saw zarina out last night...be jealous!!!
and in case you didn't get a flyer at big primpin...
come to my show..come come come
when i got up for work at 6 this morning, i regretted having gotten home at 2:45. i still regret it, because i feel like shit.
last night though, my makeup looked hot. and so did about three really cute girls out last night. not that yr not all hot, they just kind of you know, whatever.
i saw zarina out last night...be jealous!!!

and in case you didn't get a flyer at big primpin...
come to my show..come come come
i used to have my own event planning company.
and right now i'm planning an art show at school.
but just think about it this way - once the event is all done ... youll be so happy to see it go sucessfully.