This past week was fairly fruitful. I finished 3 of 5 songs for an EP I plan to release on my own this fall. Weird stuff has been happening during the recording process, but if I try to explain it most people will think I'm crazy... so I'll just leave it at that. If you want to know more, go to
I had a good weekend. Friday was kind of dull, so I decided to take the little bit of money I had (still no paycheck from asshole boss) to go to Rudy's on Saturday. Evidently there were a bunch of SGCT members there, but I only met baby_donut. She was sad and in need of fun times... so we had fun together. To thank me for fun times she burned me a mix cd that I'm listening to right now and loving. To avoid going on and on, I'll just say that she's a great new friend.
Now a new week starts and I can continue looking for a new job, plotting ways to get cash from douchebag ex-boss, selling things online to have enough money to live, and recording music that rocks people's socks off.
I had a good weekend. Friday was kind of dull, so I decided to take the little bit of money I had (still no paycheck from asshole boss) to go to Rudy's on Saturday. Evidently there were a bunch of SGCT members there, but I only met baby_donut. She was sad and in need of fun times... so we had fun together. To thank me for fun times she burned me a mix cd that I'm listening to right now and loving. To avoid going on and on, I'll just say that she's a great new friend.
Now a new week starts and I can continue looking for a new job, plotting ways to get cash from douchebag ex-boss, selling things online to have enough money to live, and recording music that rocks people's socks off.
[Edited on Aug 17, 2005 10:16AM]