So last night I went to the Pussycat Lounge to see my roommate play in his band... shit karate. We're all drinking and having a good time as the first few bands play. Of course I pretend I'm in the band so I can get cheap drinks (no way I'm paying $5 for budweiser). Soon it's time for shit karate to set up... so I help with pedals and whatnot, my roommate Tom is getting his guitar ready, and all is going well. Then suddenly a bouncer approaches Tom and tells him... "you guys can't play... you're too drunk." TOO DRUNK! Is that some kind of new rule... can't be drunk if you play in the band?
Anyway... Tom gets pissed and runs off down the street. Myself and several other attempt to chase him down, but he won't have it. In my own drunken stupor I fall flat on my face on the sidewalk (it still hurts). Eventually I give up hail a cab and meet up with Tom's woman and her friend... we continue drinking... worrying about Tom... I show up to work today an hour late.
I think I need to find some straight edge friends... the whole bar scene is becoming increasingly ridiculous and expensive.
Anyway... Tom gets pissed and runs off down the street. Myself and several other attempt to chase him down, but he won't have it. In my own drunken stupor I fall flat on my face on the sidewalk (it still hurts). Eventually I give up hail a cab and meet up with Tom's woman and her friend... we continue drinking... worrying about Tom... I show up to work today an hour late.
I think I need to find some straight edge friends... the whole bar scene is becoming increasingly ridiculous and expensive.
Thank you for your comment on my set!

you are so sweet! Thank you!