ok...so i havent been on here in a super long time. i guess im just not as computer savvy as i used to be. my life has been majorly sucking lately, and ive decided to quit the dating game for quite a while...i give up. however, i am going back to school soon (hopefully in the spring) so im looking forward to getting out of...
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chello-jello. its been a really long time since ive been on here. guess i just plumb forgot. anyway, lots of things have happened...just got out of school, took my last final yesterday. i love that feeling, when you know you dont have to go back there for another 3 months. listening to the bravery lately, a new cd that i just had to pick up...
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u like some cool bands...the yyys are dope.
And u typed that ur a twin...right on, so am i
Have a good day!
Us NH folk are a little recluesive.
so much for being lonely,
no time for that now.
id rather be your worst enemy
than have to listen to your mindless chatter
about yourself of course,
seeing that you dont
give a fuck
about anything else
in your last hour stand
chase it's you i want
take me instead
id rather not
scattered mongst the killing streets the children slate defense
is god's work to have us fail

i love that song, i work in nashua, what do you do there for fun?
ok, so the past two weeks have been super shitty. i have fallen so far behind in school because my grandfather passed away two saturdays ago. ive been like a zombie or something, its kinda scary. plus i gave blood yesterday so now not only am i three pounds lighter( smile ) but very tirrrrreeedd...i am literally dragging myself around everywhere. but on the upside, my...
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Do you know where Scorz is in Nashua, NH? my band is playin there this Saturday @ 9pm, and we are trying to recruit.

P.s. sorry about your g-father
sometimes seeing your best friend drunk makes you never want to drink again.
unless you're into that whole sleeping with your best friend thing. smile
unless you're into that whole sleeping with your best friend thing. smile
my grandfather was put in the hospital on monday because he fell and broke his hip. it was the day after my grandmother's 80th birthday, and everything was going so well it came as a shock to all of us. he has these ulcers on his legs that he's had for about 60 years now, so he can't walk good in the first place. when...
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so, i am back in school now... god do i hate school. it's not that i don't like learning, its just that i don't appreciate the work load that some teachers think is neccessary. especially while working two jobs and going full time, i find that i feel like i did senior year of high school..."hey, i don't have to do my work... i think...
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awww shucks!!!blush

good luck with school....

kiss kiss

i teach piano.
im going to school for a BA in music.but im going to go for my masters.its exciting.

i was a music ed major first, but i didnt want to take the education classes.i wanted to be an elementry teacher.
kids are fun.

today was starting off delicious, and as soon as i got to work things went downhill. i don't know why that continues to surprise me. anyhow my sister and i are fighting again, over aimlessly stupid things and i can't help but feel guilty for making her "worse". my sister has struggled with anorexia for years now, and she goes up and down with it...
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wow, that's a tough situation. i wish i could give some advise, but i would probably just make things worse.
I live in nashuaas well and my mother in law has battled with it for quite some time. Like an addiction, it is always there but through treatment and love/support one can live a full healthy life . Best wishes you and your sister are in my prayers.

miao!! good pussy