So my housemate is getting married this weekend, which is awesome because she and her fiancé are great people and I'm happy for them. But I'm going to really miss living with her, and I need to move, which is a bit of a pain. I like living in the south bay, I like having my nature preserve nearby for hiking, my movie theatres and restaurants and the like. Work is up in Berkeley now, and my Burning Man camp's art workspace is in Oakland, but I don't know that I want to move there, I've lived in cities before and I actually appreciate the sounds of birds outside my windows right now, the greenery, etc. Not sure I want to live in a really urban environment again, I like visiting that but living elsewhere.... Maybe I can find something pleasant further up the peninsula but still, undesired change! :) I'm sure once I find a place and get settled in it will be great. Especially if I move closer to SF so there are more dating options that match my style, the south bay is a bit buttoned down, lol.
More Blogs
Puppy is very relieved to have the cone of shame off. Seems like sh… -
Burning Man approaches
I'm looking forward to Burning Man, my tickets arrived earlier thi… -
Game Night!
Over at my friends' house for game night. Sadly the post-zombie apo… -
Happy New Year
Hope everybody is having a great new year. My NYE was really fun, g… -
Baking Cookies
Getting started on cookies to bring to my friends' NYE party. :) Mm… -
The holidays
I didn't end up going to Thailand for the holidays, so I've been he… -
Going to miss her
My housemate got married this weekend, at the most amazing wedding … -
So my housemate is getting married this weekend, which is awesome b… -
Ugh, spent the holiday week sick enough with a flu for the entire t…