Puppy is very relieved to have the cone of shame off. Seems like she's pretty well recovered from being spayed, but we need to wait a few more days before I start taking her jogging again.
I'm looking forward to Burning Man, my tickets arrived earlier this week, and things are ramping up at my camp workspace. My girlfriend has made great clothing sketches and is going to start sewing them as soon as fabric arrives. Hair bleaching and re-dyeing will occur in a few more weeks. :) So many supplies to purchase, organize and pack, and so much planning for...
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Over at my friends' house for game night. Sadly the post-zombie apocalypse board game filled up, so I'm playing LoL on my laptop. :P Dinner was yummy, and I'll probably be bad and stay up late when I get home and play more Mass Effect 2 as well...
Hope everybody is having a great new year. My NYE was really fun, gaming and delicious food and my friends' house once again, been celebrating with them usually for almost 15 years. :) NY day I got to spend with Elena, which was really fun, we're looking forward to moving to our new place in SF, which she booked a moving company for, though I'm...
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Getting started on cookies to bring to my friends' NYE party. :) Mmm, I make the best damn chocolate chip cookies on the planet. ;)
I didn't end up going to Thailand for the holidays, so I've been here in my house instead. I've had some nice times with friends, but today I'm sitting at home alone (already went over to one friend's house to check in on her chickens, and another friend's house to take care of her cats. Yes, I'm spending the holidays chicken and cat sitting). To...
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My housemate got married this weekend, at the most amazing wedding I've ever been to (or been a part of creating. Spent 10 hours on the wedding day doing food prep and grilling, did a lot of renovation work on the space in the weeks beforehand). She flew in on a hoop connected to our 10 ton crane (our Burning Man camp workspace was the...
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So my housemate is getting married this weekend, which is awesome because she and her fiancé are great people and I'm happy for them. But I'm going to really miss living with her, and I need to move, which is a bit of a pain. I like living in the south bay, I like having my nature preserve nearby for hiking, my movie theatres and...
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Ugh, spent the holiday week sick enough with a flu for the entire thing to be unpleasant, but not so sick that it was dramatic. Just lonely and uncomfortable. Back at work, which is nice because I mostly didn't see other people during the week.