woke up to an empty house. interesting. both parents gone all day. did i have a party? no. you need friends for that. i spent the day walking around in my boxers and watching top gear on-demand. "is it possible to buy a MR italian sports car for under 10000 quid? yes. but for the love of God dont"
called jfc staffing. they might have a job for me. packing strawberries. in camp hill. joyous. so i get to piss in a cup on monday. and some dickhead is bloodfarming the hell out of me on Vampires. hes REALLY annoying
called jfc staffing. they might have a job for me. packing strawberries. in camp hill. joyous. so i get to piss in a cup on monday. and some dickhead is bloodfarming the hell out of me on Vampires. hes REALLY annoying

Topgear is the shit. It's total car-porn.