I know hey, my nephew looked like frankenbaby in his 3D photos!! But he's like the cutest baby ever...I was a little scared before he came along thinking 'ugly baby??' hahaha
Can't wait to meet them and show them the moon shot haha
10kgs!! You can do it. It's not that much really, but it can make you feel so much better. I remember once I lost 10kgs when I was sick. It obviously wasn't fun getting to that point being sick hehe but I felt ontop of the world..perhaps I should detox. I always talk about it, but never do it. I love beer too much which contributes to my bloating!!
Can't wait to meet them and show them the moon shot haha
10kgs!! You can do it. It's not that much really, but it can make you feel so much better. I remember once I lost 10kgs when I was sick. It obviously wasn't fun getting to that point being sick hehe but I felt ontop of the world..perhaps I should detox. I always talk about it, but never do it. I love beer too much which contributes to my bloating!!