So you know how everyone usually says "Well, I've got good news and bad news..."? I'm trying to figure out which one the good news is. A) My grandmother's not dead yet. B) She's suffering a lot and is in complete agony despite the drugs she's on (which isn't much because it could send her into shock and kill her). I love her, but I'm...
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And so begins my journey to the unknown.
Ahhhh love. It's that time of year when I walk around the malls or the restaurants or the parks and every other person is walking around hand in hand or smooching or acting all lovey dovey......except me. *shrug* It's not that I don't get my fair share of "friends", but sometimes I see some of these people in love and think. "My GOD! If someone...
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Well it's photo time again. Let's see how it goes this time. *note to self* Yeah, from now on, noone except me gets my negatives...
Ok, so I'm not very good about updating or even posting to journal entries because, though I read about other people's lives and it's interesting to me, mine is usually uneventful and me. Like this weekend for instance. Friday I volunteered to help out some Marines working concessions at the pre-Preakness (horse races). I worked my ass off and after I got off work...
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