Hi all! (if ne one will read my journal anymore
Think I have been out to sea on 5 trips now.
Struggling to pay the mortgage
Hum...... stories I promised to tell........
Saw Fucking WHALES !!!! from under water! Fucking incredible! three adults and a baby together.......
Seen heaps of sharks, Turtles, Sea-Snakes, Manta rays, heaps of big fish ad\nd stuff..... I don't know where to start!?
I do some spear fishing while I am out there and it can sometimes get a little concerning when you have a dead fish in your hands and three sharks circling you
just picked up some work picking tomatoes, Sucks but hey, a means to an end .
Got some video footage from out on the reef, gunna try get some sharks stirred up when I go out next week and get some footage of them.
Will put some vids on the net and post the link here,,,, stay tuned.
Promise I will catch up soon with yall (and the hundred odd photo sets I havnt seen yet
where have you gone?
Well keeping busy is good!