Going Spearfishing at The Bower early tomorrow.
North Head Sydney, Hell of a spot, Cops the Ocean swell Pretty bad, bit hard getting in and out. Been seasick
every time I have been there.
Not A nice experience getting smashed into barnacle covered rocks while spewing your guts up
, Pretty damn scary.
Heaps of sharks around at the moment, could be interesting. If it wasn't so rough there, I would take the camera just in case.
Awesome place though. Heaps of sea-life and deep water, 10-15ft where you jump in, swim out about 50ft and it is like a cliff face down to about 45-50 deep, (yeah 'spose thats not real deep but pretty awe-inspiring).
Big Blue Groper up to about 4ft long and fifty pounds swim right up to you to say hello (not allowed to shoot them, Wouldn't anyway, too much like big friendly puppy dogs........beautiful fish).
I'll give you all an update soon........unless I drown
North Head Sydney, Hell of a spot, Cops the Ocean swell Pretty bad, bit hard getting in and out. Been seasick

Not A nice experience getting smashed into barnacle covered rocks while spewing your guts up

Heaps of sharks around at the moment, could be interesting. If it wasn't so rough there, I would take the camera just in case.
Awesome place though. Heaps of sea-life and deep water, 10-15ft where you jump in, swim out about 50ft and it is like a cliff face down to about 45-50 deep, (yeah 'spose thats not real deep but pretty awe-inspiring).
Big Blue Groper up to about 4ft long and fifty pounds swim right up to you to say hello (not allowed to shoot them, Wouldn't anyway, too much like big friendly puppy dogs........beautiful fish).
I'll give you all an update soon........unless I drown

that sucks there was no fish!!