Went spearfishing off Long Reef yesterday.
Was going to go there a fortnight ago but there was a 10ft long Tiger Shark spotted a couple of days before, My dive buddy chickened out and we went further down the coast.
Anyway, we turn up yesterday, the water is pretty dirty looking. While we are getting ready an old guy starts talking to us. He tells us he has been spearing here for 40 years and that he worked most of his life as a salvage diver. He had some real interesting stories. We tell him about the tiger shark that was here a couple of weeks ago.
Then he tells us his mate was fishing here in a boat two days ago and a great white came up beside the boat. The boat was 14ft and the shark was bigger that the boat!
to be cont.
Was going to go there a fortnight ago but there was a 10ft long Tiger Shark spotted a couple of days before, My dive buddy chickened out and we went further down the coast.
Anyway, we turn up yesterday, the water is pretty dirty looking. While we are getting ready an old guy starts talking to us. He tells us he has been spearing here for 40 years and that he worked most of his life as a salvage diver. He had some real interesting stories. We tell him about the tiger shark that was here a couple of weeks ago.
Then he tells us his mate was fishing here in a boat two days ago and a great white came up beside the boat. The boat was 14ft and the shark was bigger that the boat!
to be cont.

haha, we do think alike!! isn't lane beautiful tho????

Large sea creatures are cool... in theory. In reality they scare the shit out of me.