Have been so busy! haven't updated for ages and need to catch up with friends on here, Life sucks pretty fucking bad at the moment.
I'll catch up with you all soon
I'm really busy lately too.
You aren't really all fucked up are you? Like on your STATS info? Thats a joke right? Of course it is! Right? I mean- I'm not really an official member of the Piss and Moan about Everything club so I'm guessing thats a joke.
hey man, sorry to hear your're down. c'mon it could be worse, you could be in the uk. the weather here sucks.
its 5 degrees C and pissing down with rain with 50mph winds. there's no chance of riding and all the women are wearing 10 layers of clothing. now that reallysucks.
You aren't really all fucked up are you? Like on your STATS info? Thats a joke right? Of course it is! Right? I mean- I'm not really an official member of the Piss and Moan about Everything club so I'm guessing thats a joke.
Love and Light, Elle
its 5 degrees C and pissing down with rain with 50mph winds. there's no chance of riding and all the women are wearing 10 layers of clothing. now that reallysucks.