Awesome day today. We had to present our final projects early in production for my Advanced Audio Engineering class just so the professor could give some advice before the final mix was made, his comments all class were pretty much "wow awesome you guys are way better than last years projects" everything sounded so perfect almost as if it had been done professionally, definitely on...
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Feeling pretty inspired tonight for some reason! Went out to check out a pretty cool band tonight called live trees...god I miss the stage....decided to dust off my old 12-string my mother and father bought me for a christmas gift years ago, found some new strings, re stringing it and gonna have an all night writing session tongue maybe I can find a few of my...
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Sorry for the inactivity..been busy with school lately...man this weekend is what i needed...it was a weird transition for me...my old grade 12 bio teachers band was playing at the bar...and he came up after and was like woah its been a while since iv seen you..and i was like ya its been almost 4 years..to which he replied "oh fuck off" haha so we...
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Well things have been going pretty smoothly lately....not sure why though but i seem to be coming down with a case of the blues, I think I just need a night of rest and relaxation and i'll be back to cheery old me soon enough. If not...well i'll just whip out the guitar and riff my blues away \m/
Well last night was fun again! Met up with the group for wing night and had a blast with all of them. Then a newer friend that I made in my program showed up and we had a few beers and chatted. Closed the night off by meeting up with an old buddy who ended up staying in Calgary instead of coming back to school....
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Well tonight as I walked into the bar the first song on the playlist was "I walk the line" by johnny cash, this made me particularly happy due to the fact it was a song my dad used to sing to my mother back in the day. For those of you who don't know me my father passed away in 2009 from lung cancer. Over...
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Sorry bout your dad. I had a friend pass away a month ago from cancer
Thanks, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer seems to be taking every body now a days, its been a while since I've heard about someone passing away from old age anymore :/
Well I finally decided to get my ass in gear and start working on todays projects....however im tired as fuck due to the fact I couldnt sleep at all last time. I swear last night was the creepiest night of my life...the wind was howling like mad and in my bedroom when the leaves scrape around on the pavement outside my window it sounds like...
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Holy shit! Next year is shaping up to be awesome!! My band managed to get a spot opening up in Calgary AB for "Dark Empire" all the way from New Jersey in May. I checked them out on youtube and they are pretty sweet! Also me and my roommates managed to get tickets for the Gigantour in Febuary! Megadeth, Motorhead, Volbeat, Lacuna Coil!! It's going...
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Well today was the first day back at the university with short hair since my freshman year, funny how differently strangers react to me now. The older ladies are actually smiling at me when they walk by, I wont lie I'v noticed more women noticing me as well, it's a shame however none of these things happened earlier, but then again who cares it's only...
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Well I definitely shouldn't have left my theory project until the last minute....3 hours later and I have finally completed this beast of an analysis...screw you bach why did you have to make things so difficult :/
Never seen them live. Ivee only been to 4 concerts in my life. Are they good live?